Episode # 302:
Halfway Out of the Dark

By: Peter

For over a century I’ve lived in secret…

Stefan looks out the window as the morning sun begins to rise.

He leaps off the rooftop, landing effortlessly on the ground.

Hiding in the shadows, alone in the world…

He stands just outside the schoolyard, watching a crowd from a distance.


A car spins out of control, falling into the river. Stefan quickly dives in.

He pulls Elena out, lying her on the ground--a mixture of shock and awe on his face.

I shouldn't have come home. I know the risk…but I have to know her!

STEFAN: Damon.

Damon stands by the window, smirking.

DAMON: Hello brother.


Elena gasps as she sees Stefan's face change in the mirror.

ELENA: What--are you?

I am a vampire—and this is my story!

Previously on the Vampire Diaries...

Stefan and Damon face stand at the starcase...

DAMON: Don't get me wrong, Stefan. I don't mind being the bad guy. I'll make all the life and death decisions, while you're busy worrying about the collateral damage. But at the end of the day, I'll be the one to keep her alive!

Stefan glares at him.


Klaus shoves the stake into Stefan's back, holding him immobile.

Stefan can only watch helplessly, as Klaus drains Elena's blood--killing her right in front of him.


Klaus hands Stefan a blood bag, watching as he drinks it.

V.O.(Damon): He's spent so much time rejecting the vampire part of himself that he doesn't know how to control it. There's no middle ground with him, don't you get it?


Stefan bites the girl's neck, dropping her to the ground--his eyes blood-red.


Damon and Katherine in the library...

KATHERINE: Klaus is finally gone. I don't have to run anymore--I'm free

DAMON: Then why don't you go enjoy your freedom somewhere else?

She pins Damon to the wall.

KATHERINE: I'm sticking around, Damon. Live with it.


An injured Tyler drinks the last drops of blood from the bottle, then winces in pain.

TYLER: Something--feels different...

He then transforms into a wolf--in broad daylight.


STEFAN: I never wanted you to see that part of me.

Stefan and Elena kiss, before Stefan tears himself away--his eyes gone red.

STEFAN: (horrified) I can't even kiss you without...without...

He runs off.


Elijah grabs Klaus by the throat.

ELIJAH: Where--is--our--sister?

KLAUS: I don't know! I could never find her!


Elijah watches as Lexi walks out of the shadows.

LEXI: So tell me, big brother--what did I miss?

Stefan Salvatore stands at the edge of the forest, watching several people in the park. Couples holding hands, families sitting down for picnics—old friends simply enjoying each other’s company…

People simply going about their day-to-day lives without a care in the world. It’s everything he longs for.

Sighing, Stefan walks off. Down the road, past the river.

Just then, he hears the squealing of tires. He turns just in time to see a car careen off the old wooden bridge and plunge into the river below.


Moving at full vampire speed, Stefan leaps into the river. Swimming down to the river bed, he lifts up the car, and pulls it back up to the surface.

Stefan them yanks the car door off it’s hinges, carefully sliding the injured driver out. Stefan gently lies him on the ground, then does the same for his wife.

However, when he moves to the back seat, a shocked look comes over Stefan’s face.

STEFAN: (whispering) It’s not possible…

The teenaged girl looks familiar to him—too familiar.

He pulls open the door and lifts her out—lying her on the ground. Stefan touches the side of the unconscious girl’s face…making sure she’s real.

STEFAN: Katherine?

She doesn’t answer, which surprises Stefan. He had thought it was an act, but she really was unconscious.

He touches her wrist, his eyes going wide.

STEFAN: You’re human. That’s impossible! Who are you? You look just like…

He’s interrupted by the sound of coughing coming from nearby. It’s the driver. Stefan quickly rushes over to him.

STEFAN: Easy, easy…

GRAYSON: (weakly) How—how did you do that?

Stefan kneels down, but freezes when he sees the blood. Immediately, his eyes start to bleed.

Grayson’s eyes go wide in horror as he sees this. He seems even more surprised when Stefan backs away.

STEFAN: You’re injured. You need to get to a hospital…I’ll get help.

GRAYSON: (weakly) Wait—what’s your name?

Stefan hesitates.

STEFAN: Stefan. Stefan Salvatore.

A look of recognition enters Grayson Gilbert’s eyes. Despite his condition, he manages to laugh.

GRAYSON: You’ve been—away a long time, Stefan Salvatore.

STEFAN: Please, try not to talk…

Grayson looks over at Elena.

GRAYSON: My daughter—Elena—help her first.

Stefan kneels down, forcing his eyes to return to normal.

STEFAN: That’s your daughter?

Grayson nods.

GRAYSON: I know what you are—you could get her to the hospital faster than an ambulance could. Please—if you have any sympathy, you’ll save her first.

STEFAN: Your injuries are more severe. You could die in the time it took me to come back.

Grayson nods.

GRAYSON: It doesn’t matter. As long as Elena lives.

He grabs Stefan’s arm.

GRAYSON: Promise me—promise me you’ll save her.

Stefan nods.

STEFAN: I promise. I won’t let her die—you have my word.

Grayson sighs in relief, before resting his head back on the ground.

Stefan walks over to Elena, picking her up off the ground. He looks at her familiar face one last time, before running off.

V.O.(Stefan): But I couldn’t keep that promise, could I? Despite my best efforts, I still let Elena die. It won’t happen again!

Present day…

Stefan’s eyes snap open, and he sits up in bed.

V.O.(Stefan): Dear Journal…years ago, I tried attending an alcoholics anonymous support group to help deal with my—problem.. It didn’t help much, all things considered, but I do remember one valuable bit of advice I received. That, with any addiction, it wasn’t simply a matter of quitting once. You had to keep quitting every single day.

In the bathroom, Stefan splashes water on his face--looking at himself in the mirror.

V.O.(Stefan): So that’s exactly what I’m going to do. Starting today, it will be as if it’s my very first time resisting the call of human blood. I’ll keep my distance, I’ll hold my breath, I’ll hide in the shadows when necessary. And if anyone asks, I’ll smile and tell them that I feel fine--even if it’s a lie. So much has happened, and everyone has too much on their minds right now to be worrying about me. I have to be fine, for their sake.

Carefully, Stefan pulls out a blood bag, opening it. Immediately, his eyes start to bleed.

He takes a deep breath, and slowly his eyes return to normal.

V.O.(Stefan): I can do this. I can go to school, act normal—I just can’t kiss my girlfriend without my without my mouth watering.

Stefan sighs.

STEFAN: I can do this.


Stefan enters the library, where Vicki is looking over several travel brochures. Katherine and Damon are also there, reading.

VICKI: Hey, how about Africa? The jungle’s pretty dark, so I wouldn’t have to worry about the sun all the time. Is it true that carnivores taste better?

Damon scoffs.

DAMON: So not worth the extra effort. I don’t know about you, but I’d rather not try to bite something that can bite back.

STEFAN: Planning a trip?

He gives Katherine a cold look.

STEFAN: Hopefully somewhere far away?

VICKI: It’s not like I can stick around here for too long. Everyone thinks I’m dead. So I thought maybe I’d go traveling or something. See the world, you know?

KATHERINE: Translation: she doesn’t want to watch her human being lovey-dovey with the vampire-hating Bennett witch.

Vicki gives her a dirty look.

VICKI: What is Elena’s evil lookalike still doing here, anyway?

Katherine sighs.

KATHERINE: For the last time—Elena’s MY lookalike. I came first.

Damon groans, looking up from his book.

DAMON: You see what I have to deal with?

STEFAN: I feel for you. How did she even get in the house?

Damon opens his mouth to respond, but doesn’t have an answer.

KATHERINE: Little loophole in your ‘keep other vampires out’ plan, boys. Elena and I are identical, so the universe has trouble telling us apart, too. As far as it’s concerned, I own everything she does. No invitation necessary.

Stefan knocks the book out of her hands. Katherine stand up, glaring at him.

KATHERINE: I was reading that!

STEFAN: I don’t know what game you’re playing this time, so I’ll just issue a warning—if I find out you have any intention of hurting Elena or her friends, you’re going to wish you ran.

KATHERINE: Is that a threat, Stefan?

STEFAN: Next time, I’ll use a bigger tree branch.

Katherine flinches.

STEFAN: Later, Damon!

Stefan turns to leave.

DAMON: Getting something to eat?

STEFAN: Going to school, actually.

Damon paused, running in front of Stefan.

DAMON: You sure that’s a good idea?

Stefan sighs in frustration.

STEFAN: I appreciate your concern, Damon, but I’m fine. It’s been a week, the human blood’s out of my system…

DAMON: You haven’t even been around people since Klaus got shipped off. Are you positive school is the first place to test yourself? You need to be careful.

STEFAN: What I need to do is act normal. Finals are coming up, and I’ve missed enough school already. Personally, I’d rather not be held back a grade.

Damon gives him a look. Stefan laughs.

STEFAN: Play nice now, ok?

He taps Damon on the cheek, before turning and leaving.

KATHERINE: You worried?

Damon nodded.

DAMON: Very.

A silence fills the room.

VICKI: How about Greece?

Damon and Katherine give her a look.


The Gilbert house…

Elena sits on her bed, writing.

V.O.(Elena): Dear Diary—this past week has been pretty uneventful. No monsters knocking at my front door, no murders, no crisis surrounding me and my friends—nothing. So why is it that everything feels completely out of place? Has my life become so consumed by supernatural forces that normalcy has become strange and unfamiliar? Or is it just the calm before the storm?

Elena gets up, looking at her reflection in the mirror.

V.O.(Elena): I miss Stefan. There, I said it—it’s only been a week, but I already feel like he’s been gone longer. Maybe it’s because of the way we left things? Or maybe he, like the rest, has become such a part of my life that it feels incomplete without him in it? I guess I could go to the boarding house, but I’m scared.

She picks up a photograph of her and Stefan—in costume—at the Founders Day celebration.

V.O.(Elena): I’m scared of where our relationship stands. How can we even be together if he loses control every single time we kiss? There has to be a way—I know there is! Right now, I just need to know that we’re ok.

Elena starts walking down the stairs, where she sniffs the air. Her eyes go wide as she sees smoke coming from the kitchen.

ELENA: Oh no!

She rushes in, where Alaric is desperately extinguishing a flaming frying pan. Jeremy is seated at the table, cracking up.

JEREMY: Don’t look now, but you’re busted!

Alaric turns around, sighing. He then puts on his best cover-smile.

ALARIC: Elena. Uh—you’re just in time for breakfast.

He shows her the blackened frying pan.

ALARIC: Omelettes—Cajun-style.

Elena laughs.

ELENA: It was a good attempt, Rik.

ALARIC: On the plus side—I now know to use cooking oil in my next batch of vampire incendiary grenades.

Elena groans.

ELENA: Please don’t burn down the house, you two.

Jeremy shrugs.

JEREMY: Whatever happened to you moving in with Stefan?

ELENA: We’ve put those plans on hold for now. The school year’s almost over, and I’ll be eighteen in a few months.

Alaric looks at his watch.

ALARIC: Ok, running late for work. I will see you both in your respective classes. And oh, I’m supposed to meet with social services this evening. Wish me luck.

Alaric takes a bite out of a pop-tart—or tries to, since it’s as hard as a rock. Sighing in defeat, he tosses it back on the table.

ELENA: Social Services?

JEREMY: I’m sixteen, Elena. I need a guardian.

ELENA: That’s ridiculous. I’m almost…

JEREMY: Almost isn’t good enough.

Elena’s face falls.

ELENA: I was wondering what that domestic stuff was about. I hope he succeeds.

JEREMY: Yeah, I hope so, too.

Jeremy takes his hand from across the table.

V.O.(Elena): So much has changed so quickly, and a part of me is worried that it’s not over just yet. Now I’m just waiting for the other shoe to drop—hoping against hope that the universe is done torturing me.


Mystic Falls High School…

Bonnie, Caroline, and Tyler sit together in the lunch room, where Bonnie is holding Tyler’s hands and concentrating.

TYLER: How long’s this gonna take? I think people are starting to think we’re hooking up or something.

Caroline laughs.

CAROLINE: They’re going to think you and Jeremy are in competition—again.

Bonnie opens her eyes, letting go.

BONNIE: Don’t worry about it. Unlike the rest of the supernatural world, I get to go around telling everybody—they just think I’m eccentric.

TYLER: So, doc—give it to me straight! Do I get a clean bill of health?

Bonnie pauses for a moment.

BONNIE: Well, you’re not a vampire—that much I’m sure of. Or a hybrid—what are we calling those exactly?

CAROLINE: I’m partial to ‘wampire’ myself.

TYLER: So why do I feel so different then? It’s like I have all this—this energy built up or something.

BONNIE: Ok, this is just a theory. I heard some reports that a wolf started attacking people in broad daylight, then stopped suddenly around the time we took down Klaus. If it was him, then he was able to change into a wolf any time he wanted, and didn’t have to wait for the full moon.

TYLER: I figured he had something to do with it. I was able to change right after I drank his blood. But you said I’m not like he was, right?

BONNIE: No, you’re not like him. I think what happened was that the blood activated some dormant muscle in your brain that allows you to control the transformation. Maybe werewolves weren’t always dependant on the full moon, and you just discovered some sort of lost ability.

Tyler smiles.

TYLER: So you think I can do it again? Change whenever I feel like it?

BONNIE: Or not change, if you don’t feel like it.

Tyler sits back in his chair, a look of amazement on his face.

TYLER: Then I’m cured? I don’t believe it.

Caroline grins.

CAROLINE: You know what—this calls for a celebration. I say we all head to the party at the woods tonight.

Bonnie and Tyler look at her.

BONNIE: What party?

CAROLINE: What do you mean ‘what party’?

Caroline’s mouth hangs open.

CAROLINE: What do you mean ‘what party’? Where have you been this past week?

Caroline reaches into her bag and pulls out a flyer advertising a bonfire.

BONNIE: I’ve been a bit preoccupied.

CAROLINE: Well, get un-preoccupied, because we’re going. And by we, and I mean everyone, Elena included. She needs to get out of her slump. Ok, I’ll admit—we’ve all suffered some losses, but come on—we won! That has to count for something, right?

Bonnie considers it.

BONNIE: Yeah—yeah, we helped take down one of the most dangerous vampires in history. That does call for celebration.

CAROLINE: Even I got a hit in. Did you see that? I totally caught him by surprise with that head-kick.

Tyler scoffs.

TYLER: I took a chunk out of his arm. Beat that!

Bonnie and Caroline stare at him in surprise.

CAROLINE: You remember what happens when you’re, well…

Tyler shakes his head.

TYLER: No, that’s the weird part—the first two times I changed are completely blank. But when we were fighting Klaus—I don’t know, it’s not so much that I was controlling it. More like pushing it in the right direction.

BONNIE: I still think you should practice, just in case.

TYLER: Yeah, sure—something to do during summer break, right?

The three of them laugh.

Just then, Matt Donovan enters the cafeteria. Bonnie notices him, and waves him over.

BONNIE: Hey, Matt? We, uh, saved you a seat.

Matt gives her a cold look, and then walks away. Bonnie sighs.

BONNIE: And he hates me now.

Caroline shakes her head.

CAROLINE: No, no—he doesn’t hate you, Bonnie!

BONNIE: Then I’m guilty by association.

CAROLINE: He just doesn’t want to deal with any of this magical hoo-ha.

Tyler scoffs.

TYLER: Doesn’t mean he’s gotta be rude about it.

BONNIE: Stefan and Damon did kill his sister, you know?

TYLER: But she’s not dead!

Tyler receives strange looks from some of the other students. He leans down, lowering his voice.

TYLER: Vicki’s alive, so shouldn’t that change things.

BONNIE: The fact that she’s alive now doesn’t change the fact that they did kill her, Tyler.

TYLER: Damon killed my uncle, remember? If I can get over that, so can Matt. Besides, he deserves to know.

Both Bonnie and Caroline’s faces soften at his words.

TYLER: Look, I understand why we have to keep this a secret—I do. If a dead person suddenly shows up alive again, people are going to start asking questions, and you can’t just compel the entire town. But Matt already knows what we are, so what’s the harm in telling him about Vicki?

CAROLINE: Because he won’t accept her.

Tyler turns to Caroline, who has a sad look on her face.

CAROLINE: I mean, he didn’t accept me, right? Even after he realized I was still the same person, Matt didn’t want anything to do with me. He hates vampires, Tyler—all telling him would do is hurt him more.

Tyler sighs.

TYLER: Yeah, you’re probably right—but he still deserves to know.


Out front…

Several students look up as the newcomer enters the school grounds. Despite his face being hidden behind a pair of dark sunglasses, everyone recognizes Stefan Salvatore at first sight.

V.O.(Stefan): It was like my first day, all over again. The reactions and well as the smells—being around so many people was jarring.

Stefan does his best to keep a straight face, but it’s obvious he’s struggling.

V.O.(Stefan): I had to do this, no matter how hard it was. I would not be kept a prisoner by my own nature.


Elena opens her locker. Around her, she gets several sympathetic looks from other students.

JEREMY: Just ignore them, ok?

ELENA: Trying. It’s like last year all over again. Everyone looks at us like we’re about to snap.

JEREMY: It’ll be ok.

Elena smiles.

ELENA: Not everything’s the same. When mom and dad died, I was the one telling you that.

JEREMY: Don’t worry—I’m not about to go back on the drugs anytime soon.

Down the hall, Caroline and Bonnie wave them over.

ELENA: Uh-oh—girlfriend calling.

Jeremy laughs nervously.

JEREMY: Come on—she has that look. Let’s see what’s up.

ELENA: Go ahead. I don’t want to be a third wheel.

JEREMY: So it’s fine for Caroline to be the third wheel instead?


Jeremy rolls his eyes.

ELENA: Go! I’ll catch up!

Jeremy takes off. Elena watches him leave and sighs. He closes her locker door, revealing Stefan standing right behind it.


Elena gasps, dropping her bookbag. Stefan catches it effortlessly, handing it back to her.

STEFAN: You dropped this.

ELENA: Stefan? You’re back?

He smiles.

STEFAN: I am. Sorry, I guess I should have called. I didn’t want to get your hopes up, just in case I changed my mind.

Elena stands there for a moment, not knowing what to do. Finally, she gives in—throwing her arms around him and laughing happily.

Stefan takes a sharp intake of breath, as his eyes start to change behind his shades. Sensing his discomfort, Elena lets him go.

ELENA: Sorry, I’m sorry—it’s just…

STEFAN: I know. I missed you, too.

Elena smiles at him.

ELENA: Are you ok? We can always skip if it’s too hard?

STEFAN: I’m fine. I, uh—it’s an adjustment period now. I’m sure I’ll get the hang of it soon.

Elena pouts.

ELENA: How soon? Not being able to kiss you is going to drive me crazy.

STEFAN: Well, we can’t have that, can we? In fact, I have a way around it.

ELENA: Oh? And what’s that?

Stefan removes his glasses and takes her hand. He leans down and places a kiss on the back of it—his eyes never leaving hers.

STEFAN: Enchanted, Ms. Gilbert.

Elena giggles.

ELENA: Ok, definite points for style.

STEFAN: I thought so.

They smile at each other.


Meanwhile, in gym class…

Matt runs around the track outside. Everyone seems out of breath, except for Tyler Lockwood—he manages to pass every over person without breaking a sweat. Eventually, he makes his way up to Matt.

TYLER: Hey? You’d think the coach would give us a break for finals, right?

Matt doesn’t answer.

TYLER: Oh. So, uh—you’re ignoring me now too, huh?

MATT: Last time we saw each other, you tried to eat me.

TYLER: Yeah, about that—I wanted to apologize. I wasn’t exactly in control. Besides, you shot me—I think that makes us even, right?

Matt sighs.

MATT: Sorry I shot you. There—happy?

TYLER: It’s not going to happen again. Something went down the other day, and I can control it now. I won’t change anymore unless I want to.

MATT: Congratulations.

TYLER: Would you just drop the attitude already, man? I’m trying to extend an olive branch here, and it would at least help if you looked at me while I’m talking!

Matt steps off the track, walking to the side with Tyler.

MATT: You’ve got five minutes.

TYLER: You’re sore—I get that! You’re obviously freaked out about, well, everything. Holding a grudge against the Salvatores is one thing, but I’m your friend Matt. You really gonna hate me something I didn’t have any control over?

Matt looks at him for a long time.

MATT: Caroline said it was some kind of family curse. How long did you know about it?

TYLER: I found out just after my dad died.

MATT: So you were born with it? You’ve always been…

Tyler nods.

MATT: That sucks.

TYLER: I don’t know—I think it’s kind of cool.

Matt gives him a look.

TYLER: Now, obviously you don’t agree—but it’s not exactly something I can help, you know?

MATT: Yeah, I get it. I know you think I’m kind of being a creep about all this, but can you really blame me? They killed Vicki, Tyler—I can’t just forget that. I can’t forgive them for that. So either I go after them or I stay out of it.

TYLER: Listen—there’s something you gotta know. It’s about V—

MATT: I don’t want to hear about it!

Tyler stops in mid-sentence.

MATT: You want to hang, that’s fine. I can deal with that. But whatever you, the girls, and the Salvatores are up to after hours, I don’t want to hear about it. Got it!

Tyler sighs.

TYLER: Yeah. I got it.

Matt turns back towards the track.

TYLER: I’m going to ask Forbes out!

Matt freezes, turning back towards him.

TYLER: I mean, you obviously aren’t interested anymore, so why not, right?

MATT: I’m—not sure how I feel about that.

TYLER: I’m not asking for your permission, Matt. Just thought I’d give you the head’s up.

With that, Tyler walks away.


City Hall…

Sheriff Forbes stands in a secluded room, when Carol Lockwood storms inside, a group of papers bunched in her hand—and looking none too happy.

CAROL: Is this some kind of sick joke?

Liz nods, greeting her.

LIZ: Mrs. Mayor.

CAROL: I’m serious. If this is your desperate attempt to get yourself fired, there are easier ways to go about it.

She tosses the papers on the desk.

LIZ: You wanted my report for last week’s operation, and that’s it.

CAROL: Excuse me? You honestly expect me to accept this—this fiction?

LIZ: There were six other officers with me. They can verify my reports.

Just then, Damon walks in the room.

DAMON: Am I interrupting?

Carol sighs in relief.

CAROL: Maybe you can set things straight, Damon. The Sheriff here has lost her mind!

DAMON: Now, I’m sure that’s now true…

CAROL: She’s accusing you of being a vampire. You! Can you believe that?

Damon gasps, giving Liz a shocked look.

DAMON: Is this true?

However, as he turns to Liz, his expression changes to a smirk.

Liz mouths the word ‘don’t’. Damon, unfortunately, doesn’t listen—his face starts to change.

CAROL: Damon?

DAMON: I’m disappointed, Liz—I mean, really. I wanted to be the one to break the news.

He turns towards Carol, who gasps in fright. She stumbles backwards, onto the couch.

In a second, Damon is across the room, sitting next to her.


Carol’s mouth opens, preparing to scream.

DAMON: Ah-ah-ah—come on, no screaming. Wouldn’t want to cause a scene, now would we?

As he speaks, Damon’s face returns to normal.

DAMON: You should see your face, Carol. By the way, everything in this report is actually true. Seriously, if Liz could make stuff like this up, she’d go into writing.

He hands her back the report. However, Carol just continues to stare.

DAMON: Oh plese—don’t give me that look. Technically I never that I wasn’t a vampire, now did I?

CAROL: Y—you…? How? When?

DAMON: Since about 1864.

Carol’s eyes dart around the room, looking for a place to escape. Damon rolls his eyes, standing up.

DAMON: Would you relax already? I’m on your side, I promise.

CAROL: Our—side?

Carol shakes her head, clearing it.

CAROL: My son? Tyler?

LIZ: Richard never told you about his family curse, did he?

Carol looks at Liz, suddenly remembering she’s in the room.

CAROL: He did, but—but he didn’t believe it. I didn’t believe it. I don’t understand—he said it only happened if he killed someone.

DAMON: Remember the masquerade ball? Sarah? The girl whose death you tried to cover up?

CAROL: That was an accident…

DAMON: Still counts.

Carol looks down, still in shock.

CAROL: (whispering) My son…?

LIZ: And my daughter. This has been happening right under our noses.

Damon stands there, not saying anything.

LIZ: From what I understand, Elena and Jeremy Gilbert have managed to—reform them. Convince them not to kill, use them as protection against other vampires…

Damon snickers.

DAMON: If you want to get technical, Stefan was already ‘reformed’ before he ever moved back here. The rest of us just followed his lead.

Carol walks across the room, over to Liz.

CAROL: You can’t possibly trust them.

DAMON: (sing-song) I can HEAR you…

Liz sighs.

LIZ: I trust the Gilberts. If they vouch for them, I’m going to take them at their word. Or are you really prepared to execute your own son?

Carol shakes her head.

CAROL: No. No, you’re right—but still…

LIZ: We were completely outmatched against this Klaus character. Nothing we tried could even hurt him. If it wasn’t for Damon and his friends, we would have all been killed.

Carol turned towards Damon.

CAROL: What do you want?

Damon smirks.

DAMON: Not having to worry about being shot at is a nice start. Let us live here in peace as long as we agree not to kill any humans. Maybe you could arrange something with the hospital too? Stealing blood bags is kinda a hassle.

He takes a step forward.

DAMON: And in return, you have your own personal vampire at your beck and call.

CAROL: What about the others? Your brother, Caroline…?

DAMON: Just let them live their lives. If anything real major goes down, they’ll help—you can count on it. Me, though—I’ve got a lot to make up for. So…what do you say? You interested?

Carol looks at him a moment.

CAROL: Deal.


Elsewhere in Mystic Falls…

Lexi walks out of the woods towards an open area. There’s a grassy hill there, with a tree overlooking it. A picnic is set up, with Elijah standing there.

LEXI: What’s the occasion?

ELIJAH: You expressed concern in making a public appearance in town, so I assumed you wouldn’t object to some fresh air.

She sits down on the blanket, as Elijah pours a dark red liquid from a bottle into two glasses.

LEXI: Classy. It’s not like you need to hide what we’re drinking from me, though.

ELIJAH: Forgive me for not wanting to feed like some animal. I am extremely grateful for modern technology making this so easy.

Lexi rolls her eyes.

LEXI: You haven’t changed, have you? That civilized act was practically your calling card in the old days.

ELIJAH: It is hardly an act, Alexis.

Lexi smirks at him, taking a sip from her glass.

ELIJAH: And what have you been up to these past five centuries? You certainly stayed out of our brother’s radar.

LEXI: Same as always. I stayed out of the sun, tried to mingle—whenever someone got too close to finding out the truth about me, I’d start my next ‘life’.

ELIJAH: I’ve never understood why do you it. Pretend to be a common vampire—it’s degrading.

Lexi laughs.

LEXI: You know I never liked to stand on ceremony, Eli. Not even back in Rome, when we were kids.

Elijah sighs.

ELIJAH: Please refrain from calling me that, sister.

She gives him a look, before grabbing a handful of grass and tossing it at him.

LEXI: Deal with it!

Elijah laughs, brushing the grass off his suit.

ELIJAH: How is it you know the Salvatores, if you don’t mind me asking?

She takes a bite out of a sandwich, recalling.

LEXI: It was about a century and a half ago. I heard a rumour that Katherine was sighted in Mystic Falls, so I came here to find her.

ELIJAH: You were planning on handing her over to Klaus?

She shakes her head.

LEXI: Of course not! I wanted to help her. Unfortunately, by the time I got here, the town had already dealt with their vampire problem. Though I did meet two newly-turned vampires she left behind—namely, Stefan and Damon.

ELIJAH: Strange how they never mentioned you. During our first encounter, they seemed to not even know what an original was.

Lexi bites her lip.

ELIJAH: They never learned the truth about you, did they?

LEXI: No. Like I said, I didn’t want anyone to treat me like some kind of—well, vampire royalty. I told Stefan I was over three hundred—just old enough to explain my strength. I offered to help him deal with his thirst, and we became friends.

Elijah chuckles.

ELIJAH: Wait, wait—don’t tell me you’re this ‘Lexi’ person?

She grins.

LEXI: Guilty as charged. So they have mentioned me?

ELIJAH: Not really. I read about your ‘death’ in Elena Gilbert’s diary.

Lexi gasps.

LEXI: Shame on you, Elijah! Reading a poor confused human’s vampire diary? Not very honourable, is it?

He shrugs.

ELIJAH: I needed to know who I was dealing with. It seemed to be the best source of information.

Lexi looks back towards the forest.

LEXI: You must think I’m kind of selfish, don’t you? Abandoning them like that.

ELIJAH: I’m certain you had your reasons. It wouldn’t be the first time you ended one of your lives.

She sighs.

LEXI: Elena was the reason, you know? I stopped by for Stefan’s birthday—imagine my surprise when I found out he’d fallen in love with the doppelganger of all people. I knew I couldn’t stick around. Klaus was already looking for me, but me and her in the same place—it was too much of a risk.

She turns towards Elijah.

LEXI: Fortunately, Damon gave me the perfect exit strategy.

ELIJAH: He does have the rather annoying habit of trying to kill us, doesn’t he?

She laughs.

LEXI: Oh, I left behind a little ‘lesson’ for him. I just hated doing that to Stefan—but he needed it. He needed to learn to stand up to his brother, and I guess it worked.

ELIJAH: He’s an honourable man. You should feel proud.

LEXI: (sarcastically) Oh yeah—I’m a great friend. Letting my wolfy half-brother turn him back into a ripper!

ELIJAH: Don’t blame yourself for that.

She shakes her head.

LEXI: So who should I blame, hmm? I should have been here, standing with them. I shouldn’t have counted on Klaus never finding out about her. Now look at all the damage he’s done.

ELIJAH: You’re letting your emotions cloud your judgement. You’ve always let them rule you more than you should.

LEXI: And you don’t let them rule you enough!

Elijah sighs in frustration.

ELIJAH: Please don’t start on that again. If you feel that much remorse, you’ll have plenty of time to make up for it.

LEXI: I’m not so sure about that. Do you really think dad’s going to keep Klaus trapped forever?

Elijah shakes his head.

ELIJAH: We have to prepare them.

LEXI: Yeah, I know. But—let’s just let them recover first, ok?

Elijah smiles.

ELIJAH: Whatever you wish.

They continue to sit there, in the afternoon sun.


Mystic Falls High School…

Stefan sits in the guidance counsellor’s office.

STEFAN: There has to be something I can do. Some extra credit assignment, or…

She shakes her head.

COUNSELLOR: Repeated absences, unexplained tardiness. I’ve tried contacting your uncle, but I can’t seem to reach him.

STEFAN: Uncle Zack—left a few months ago. I’ve been staying with my older brother.

COUNSELLOR: That certainly explains your lack of discipline, Mr. Salvatore. Summer school—take it or leave it.

Stefan sighs.

STEFAN: This is not happening…

COUNSELLOR: It’s either that, or we hold you back a grade. Look at the bright side—at least you’ll be keeping Ms. Gilbert company.

Stefan freezes.

STEFAN: Elena’s an A+ student.

COUNSELLOR: Who’s grades have been slipping dramatically. Like you, he’s been absent too often this year to ignore. I wonder if you’re part of the reason for that.

Stefan’s eyes narrow.

COUNSELLOR: I understand you founding families like to think the rules don’t apply to you, but I’m going to do my job, Stefan.

STEFAN: If you want to punish me, go ahead—but Elena’s a good student. She should graduate with her friends.

COUNSELLOR: This isn’t something you can bargain away, Stefan. You’re not going to win any ‘good boyfriend’ points here.

STEFAN: Her aunt and uncle just died, ma’am! Have some sympathy!

COUNSELLOR: Yes, and last year it was her parents. I’m not about to give Ms. Gilbert a free pass because she seems to be cursed.

Stefan removes his sunglasses, glaring at him.

COUNSELLOR: Don’t try to intimidate me…

STEFAN: You are going to give Elena a free pass.

The guidance counsellor sits there, eyes glassy as if in a trance.

COUNSELLOR: I’m going to give Elena Gilbert a pass.

STEFAN: Her behaviour is completely understandable, given the circumstances.

COUNSELLOR: It’s perfectly understandable.

STEFAN: Neither of us will have to attend summer school, and if anyone asks you will cover it up.

COUNSELLOR: I’ll cover it up.

STEFAN: And you won’t bother me with this again!

With that, Stefan puts his glasses back on. Once he does, she snaps out of her trance.

COUNSELLOR: Well, everything seems in order. I’ll take care of it, Stefan—don’t worry, I won’t bother you with this again.

Stefan smiles.

STEFAN: Thank you for being so understanding.

He gets up and leaves the office, a smug look on his face.


History class…

ALARIC: The Roman Empire—though ancient Greece is considered the true beginnings of civilization, Rome is credited with refining it. They took what the Greeks had already done and improved on it, taking bits and pieces of other cultures and making them their own. Some would even say took credit for the accomplishments of other cultures. Most notable, of course, being their mystical deities.

At that moment, Stefan walks inside the classroom. Several of the other students look up surprised—most especially Bonnie and Caroline.

ALARIC: Uh, Stefan? I didn’t expect to see you. I thought you—went away from awhile.

STEFAN: Yeah, I was in rehab. Came down with a little bit of a—drinking problem.

Caroline tries to hold back a snicker—though neither Elena nor Bonnie find the near-admittance funny at all.

Matt just sits there uncomfortably, as the three girls exchange secret looks.

ALARIC: How—brave of you to admit that. I’m in the middle of a lecture, so…

STEFAN: I’m sure I can catch up, Rik.

Alaric bites his lip.

ALARIC: (muttering) …so I’m not thrilled at you interrupting it.

He turns back to the board.

ALARIC: Anyway, deities. If you examine the Greek gods and Roman gods close enough, it’s hard not to notice the similarities—so much that they’re almost the same people. Many of the planets in our solar system…

Stefan sits next to Elena, smiling.

ELENA: How’d it go?

STEFAN: Better than expected. I told her there were extenuating circumstances—she was very understanding.

Behind them, Matt glares at Stefan.

STEFAN: I think Matt’s trying to bore a hole in my head.

Elena looks over her shoulder, causing Matt to suddenly look in the other direction.

ELENA: We should try to talk to him.

STEFAN: Doubt he’ll listen to me.

Alaric gives the two of them a warning look, causing them to shut up.

As they focus on Alaric’s lecture, Matt looks back in Elena’s direction. His eyes go wide as he sees Elena’s hand—specifically the bright blue ring on her finger.

He shakes his head, refusing to believe it.


After class, in the hallway…

BONNIE: A ‘drinking problem’? Seriously, Stefan?

Stefan laughs.

STEFAN: It’s not as if I was lying.

Caroline hugs him.

CAROLINE: I’m just glad you’re ok. You had me worried there for a moment. I would really not want to fight you.

Matt exits the class, giving the group a look, before heading in the opposite direction.

ELENA: I’m going to try talking to Matt. Wish me luck.

Caroline shrugs.

CAROLINE: Maybe he’ll listen to you?

Elena heads after Matt. Stefan stands there, resisting the urge to follow.

STEFAN: Does he know about…

Bonnie shakes her head.

BONNIE: His suddenly living non-living sister? Kind of hard to explain it to him when he’s not talking to me.

Stefan raises an eyebrow.

STEFAN: Why is he mad at you?

Bonnie sighs.

BONNIE: Apparently Matt doesn’t discriminate—if you’re even the slightest bit supernatural, you’re off his buddy list.

Stefan’s eyes narrow.

STEFAN: That’s not fair. Neither of you did anything to him.

Caroline scoffs.

CAROLINE: Yeah, tell me about it!

Suddenly, the three of them find themselves staring into the lens of a video camera.

GIRL: Ok, smile everyone! Now, do you have anything to say about the end of the school year? Any regrets? Anything you’re looking forward to next year as seniors?

Bonnie makes a disgusted face.

BONNIE: Ugh, please girl! The camera adds ten pounds.

GIRL: You should be thanking me then, Bonnie. You are way too thin!

Bonnie puts her hands on her hips, annoyed. Caroline laughs.

CAROLINE: Ok, point it this way, Meredith! Um—this year has been such an eye-opener for me. I almost feel that I was a different person back in the fall. I made some new friends, found out things I never knew about old friends—and I’m even getting along with my mom. This was the year that I, Caroline Forbes, was crowned Ms. Mystic Falls!

MEREDITH: Does her majesty have any plans for the summer?

Caroline grins.

CAROLINE: Oh, you’ll have to stay tuned!

Stefan freezes, as he notices something on the girl with the camera’s neck.

MEREDITH: What about you, Stefan?

She lowers the camera, causing Stefan to gasp.


KLAUS: I have a gift for you.

Klaus shows Stefan the girl, obviously not compelled and struggling.

End Flashback

Stefan stares in horror, as he realizes it’s the same girl. The one he came close to killing just the week before.

MEREDITH: You ok, Salvatore? You look like you just saw a ghost.

STEFAN: I—I need some air.

Stefan heads towards the exit, causing Meredith to look confused.

MEREDITH: What’s up with him?

BONNIE: What’s that on your neck?

She looks over at Bonnie.

MEREDITH: Oh, this? Yeah, I just got out of the hospital. Didn’t you notice I’ve been gone all week?

BONNIE: We were both kind of—preoccupied. Elena’s aunt Jenna passed away.

Meredith gasped.

MEREDITH: Oh my god—you’re kidding? Is she ok?

CAROLINE: She’s dealing. But what about you—what were you in the hospital for?

MEREDITH: I was attacked by a wolf. Can you believe that?

Caroline’s eyes went wide as she puts the pieces together.

BONNIE: A wolf?

MEREDITH: Well, the doctors just say it was some kind of animal, but every time I close my eyes I see a wolf.

CAROLINE: Hope you feel better.

Caroline quickly drags Bonnie away before she can continue. Meredith’s face falls, but she soon moves her camera to the next group of students she can find.

BONNIE: Ok, that was kind of rude…

CAROLINE: It was Stefan.

Bonnie’s eyes go wide.

CAROLINE: She was the person Stefan attacked after Klaus tried to brainwash him last week. Damon must have compelled her to forget, but Stefan recognized her right away.

BONNIE: She’s alive, though. That’s what matters.

Caroline’s face falls.

CAROLINE: Yeah, but—I’m worried. You don’t know what it’s like for us. Not really. Losing control like that—I’ve been there.

Bonnie looks down.

BONNIE: Caroline, it’s ok. I know what happened to Carter wasn’t your fault. You couldn’t control yourself.

CAROLINE: You’re right, but—there’s a part of me that enjoyed doing it.

Bonnie looks at her in shock.

CAROLINE: I don’t like that I did, and wish I didn’t, but—there’s always that temptation. I can only imagine what seeing her right now is doing to Stefan.



Stefan moves his way past a crowd of students, all bunched together. Behind his glasses, the dark veins begin to form. He lowers his head, keeping his distance from everybody until he can circle around to the back.

Once out of view, he hops of the fence effortlessly, arriving at the abandoned football field. Moving over to the water fountain, he grips the sides and breathes heavily.

STEFAN: I won’t—do this. I won’t let it—control me!


Back inside…

ELENA: Matt, hey? Wait up!

MATT: Leave me alone.

Elena looks hurt, but still persists.

ELENA: I know you’re probably upset with me right now, but you need to listen…

The round a corner, where Matt spins to face her—glaring angrily.

MATT: Do I, Elena? That is, if you are actually Elena. Or is it Karen?

Elena pauses, realizing what Matt’s insinuating.

ELENA: Katherine. No, I’m not—it’s me, Matt.

MATT: How do I know that?

Elena looks at him.

ELENA: Two summers ago, spying through the freshly-painted fence. I said you looked…

MATT: …like a blue bank robber.

Matt laughs for a moment, but then appears more horrified than before.

ELENA: Matt?

MATT: Oh my god—then it’s true! You’re one of them now, aren’t you?

Elena pushes him into the empty gym.

ELENA: You need to keep your voice down…

MATT: Are you a vampire?

Elena shakes her head.

ELENA: No, Matt—no, I’m still human.

MATT: Then why are you wearing that ring? Isn’t that one of those sunblock rings Caroline wears? Why would you need one if you’re not…

Elena, annoyed, pulls off the ring and opens one of the exit doors—letting sunlight pour into the gym. She then turns to Matt.

ELENA: If I was, I’d be bursting into flames right now!

Matt sighs in relief, burying his head in his hands.

MATT: Sorry. I just saw it, and—and I freaked.

He looks at her.

MATT: Sorry.

ELENA: It’s, uh—kind of a family heirloom. My father gave it to me right before he died. It looks similar to Stefan’s because the same person made it.

She puts it back on.

ELENA: We need to talk.

MATT: Yeah, we do.

The two of them sit on the bleachers.

ELENA: Matt, I—

MATT: Last year, when your folks died—I don’t know, it was like a part of you died with them. Like you were dead inside, or something--you just pulled away from me and from everything you cared about.

Elena looks at him with a tinge of regret.

MATT: You needed space, and I gave it. I thought that, in time, you’d be back to your old self—and you and I would be ok. Then Stefan showed up, and suddenly you came back to life. I didn’t understand it at the time. I didn’t know what he could give you that I couldn’t.

ELENA: That has nothing to do with it.

MATT: I think it does. I think you miss them so much that being with a dead guy is the only way you feel alive anymore.

Elena stares at him in disbelief.

ELENA: I love Stefan because of who he is, not what he is. When I found out the truth about him—it terrified me, Matt. I was scared of him!

Matt scoffs.

MATT: Not scared enough, apparently.

ELENA: Because he’s a good person. If you could just stop and look past…

MATT: He killed my sister!

Elena froze, as Matt glares at her angrily.

MATT: How is that the action of a ‘good person’, Elena?

ELENA: He did it to save me, Matt. Vicki was about to kill me. What would you have done in his place?

Matt flinches.

MATT: You’re asking me if I could make a choice between you and Vicki? I couldn’t. Please, try to look at it from my perspective. My sister was turned into a monster, then my girlfriend—for all I knew, they’d done the same thing to you!

ELENA: Stefan didn’t do any of that! Damon turned Vicki, Katherine turned Caroline…

MATT: And why were they even here, Elena? Because of him! Don’t you see—Stefan lets these things happen just by being here! Even if you’re right about him, you have to admit being around him causes these things to happen!

A hurt look fills Elena’s face.

MATT: It’s not too late for you, though. It’s not! I can forgive you for hiding this stuff, for lying to me—for everything! Things can go back to exactly the way they were before, but not as long as you stay with him!

The room goes silent.

ELENA: And, uh—what about Caroline? Bonnie? Am I supposed to distance myself from everyone I love just so you can pretend supernatural forces don’t exist?

MATT: I don’t want to be involved in this stuff, Elena. You shouldn’t either. If you want to stay friends, I can’t let you keep doing this to yourself.

Elena sighs, nodding her head.

ELENA: Fine. If that’s the way you want it.

Matt sighs in relief, smiling at her.

ELENA: I guess we’re not friends anymore.

She heads towards the door, leaving Matt with a shocked expression on his face.

V.O.(Elena): That wasn’t the answer he was hoping for. I could see it in Matt’s face—he honestly believed that I would choose him over Stefan. I hated doing that to him, but until he stops looking at our friends as ‘them’, I need to make sure he knows what side I fall on. If he wants to hate them, then he’ll have to hate me, too.


Matt enters the locker room, feeling defeated. He punches the locker angrily.

STEFAN: Not the answer you expected, is it?

Matt turns around, seeing Stefan standing there. He glares at him, furious.

MATT: What do you want?

STEFAN: To talk.

MATT: I have nothing to say to you!

Stefan approaches him.

STEFAN: I think that you do. If your conversation with Elena is anything to go by, you have a great deal to say to me.

MATT: You were eavesdropping?

STEFAN: I can hear a pin drop from across the hall, Matt. You could have been whispering and I would have picked it up.

Matt’s jaw tightens.

MATT: I don’t know what kind of hold you got on her, but I…

Stefan raises an eyebrow.

STEFAN: Wait—you think I’m compelling Elena to stay with me?

Matt nods. Stefan starts to laugh.

STEFAN: You know that necklace Elena wears around her neck? It’s filled with vervain—you remember, the same thing you used to trick Caroline? I gave that necklace to Elena when we first started dating, before she even knew what I was. I couldn’t compel her, even if I wanted to. Everything she’s done is of her own free will.

Matt doesn’t like the sound of that.

STEFAN: What, did you really think she would pick you over Caroline and Bonnie? Over me? She’s more loyal than that, Matt. You could learn a thing or two from Elena.

Matt punches him. Stefan rubs his jaw.

STEFAN: Nice one.

MATT: Shut up! You killed my sister!

STEFAN: I didn’t have a choice, Matt! She—

MATT: She would have killed Elena! I know! I get that! What I don’t get is why Damon is still alive!

Stefan’s eyes go wide.

MATT: He turned Vicki into a monster, he let her loose—and you just let him run around free? If you’re the good guy you’ve convinced Elena you are, then why haven’t you killed him already?

STEFAN: He’s my brother!

MATT: Then as far as I’m concerned, everyone he’s hurt is your fault!

Without warning, Stefan races across the room and grabs Matt by the neck—pressing him up against the locker.

STEFAN: I tried to be nice about this, you know?

Matt stares at Stefan’s face, horrified, as it changes before his eyes.

STEFAN: You think this is a game, Matt? Take a good look—this is what you’re dealing with! You think you’re a threat to me? I could tear your throat out in an instant! I could break every bone in your body without even trying, compel you to do anything I want—the only reason I don’t is because I’m a nice vampire! So is Caroline. Bonnie’s a nice witch, Tyler’s a nice werewolf, but you know what—most people like us aren’t very nice! They would kill you without a second thought, and the only reason this town hasn’t been massacred by now is because we keep them from disrupting your so-called ‘normal’ lives. So how about a little gratitude, hmm?

Matt doesn’t say a word. He’s terrified.

STEFAN: Yes, I killed your sister—because she threatened Elena! I will kill anything or anyone that threatens Elena, and you know what—anything that’s a threat to me is a potential threat to Elena. Are you a threat to me, Matt? Are you?

Matt shakes his head.

STEFAN: Good. Now, unless you want to give me a reason to doubt that, you’re going to keep your mouth shut. And if I so much as find out you’ve been plotting against us again, I’ll do worse than kill you. I’ll give you a first-hand look at what it’s like to be a part of this ‘supernatural craziness’—and you can see exactly what Vicki went through. Do we understand each other, Matt?

Matt nods.


Stefan’s face returns to normal, just as several other members of the football team walk in the locker room.

GUY: What’s going on?

Stefan lets him go.

STEFAN: Nothing. Donovan and I were just—catching up.

Stefan quickly makes his way out of the locker room, leaving the shaken-up Matt behind.


Outside of City Hall…

DAMON: I think that went rather nicely.

Liz glares at him.

LIZ: Get in the car.

Damon sighs, climbing in the passenger side of the squad car as it drives off.

LIZ: I know what you were doing in there, Damon. You used the exact words needed to convince the mayor not to try and have you killed. Not because of protecting this town, but because she can use you for her own personal benefit.

DAMON: I have no idea what you’re talking about.

LIZ: She’s a politician, Damon! There are certain advantages of having someone who can control people’s minds in her pocket.

DAMON: At least I didn’t threaten to kill her son.

Liz sighs.

LIZ: That wasn’t a threat. That was—insurance. Mutually-beneficial insurance.

Damon smirks.

DAMON: The fact is—you don’t want her killing your daughter the vampire. You trust us, even if you won’t admit it.

Liz glares at Damon again.

LIZ: I trust Caroline, Damon—not you! She’s been a vampire less than a year—she doesn’t even act like one.

DAMON: And I do, right?

They come to a stop in front of Liz’s home.

LIZ: You used to. You were a killer for a long time—I don’t think it would take much for you to be one again.

She exits the car, with Damon following behind her.

DAMON: What’s the matter, Liz? Don’t believe in second chances?

She turns to Damon, who has a sincere look on his face.

DAMON: And here I thought we were friends.

She looks at him coldly.

LIZ: Our friendship was a lie.

Her words seem to sting Damon.

LIZ: Now please leave me alone.

She turns and enters the house. Damon hesitates for a moment, before walking away.



Liz enters to find Bonnie, Jeremy, and Caroline sitting in the kitchen.

LIZ: What’s going on?

Caroline’s face lights up.

CAROLINE: Mom. Hey—nothing much. Just making plans for tonight.

Liz approaches them, starting to become worried.

LIZ: What happens tonight?

BONNIE: Bonfire.

LIZ: You need to be a little more specific. What should I be on the lookout for?

Bonnie looks at her, confused.

BONNIE: Uh—nothing.

CAROLINE: Oh, that’s not true. There may be under-aged drinking.

JEREMY: Hey, don’t tell her that! She’s technically the cops, you know?

Caroline laughs.

LIZ: I don’t understand. If there’s nothing going on, then why are you…

BONNIE: We do act like normal teenagers once in awhile you know, Mrs. Forbes. After everything that’s happened, I kind of need a day off.

JEREMY: We need a year off, if you ask me!

Liz sighs in relief.

LIZ: You’re right, you’re right—I’m sorry. It just all takes some getting used to. Maybe I’m the one who needs a day off?

CAROLINE: What’s stopping you? Not that I want you chaperoning the bonfire or anything, but at least take the night off.

Liz looks at her, hesitant.

LIZ: I can’t. I have to—sort through all this paperwork and…

Before she can finish, Caroline races into the other room. Seconds later, she reappears with a stack of papers in her hands.

CAROLINE: And done! Now go—relax!

She hands the papers to a bewildered Liz.

CAROLINE: I’m going to see if Tyler needs a lift.

She heads towards the door.

LIZ: Wait!

Caroline turns to her, looking slightly worried.

LIZ: Don’t—stay out past midnight.

Caroline smiles.

CAROLINE: Goes against my nocturnal nature, but I’ll try my best.

She takes off. Liz looks at the stack of papers in her hands and shakes her head.

LIZ: I don’t think I will ever get used to that.

Bonnie gives her a sympathetic look.

BONNIE: If it’s any consolation, it took me awhile to get used to it. I didn’t handle it very well.

Liz looks at her surprised.

LIZ: But you’re—well—I would have thought all this would seem normal to you.

BONNIE: Despite the things I can do, Mrs. Forbes, I’m still 100% human. My grams died because of those vampires that were locked in the tomb, and for the longest time I blamed them for it. I was so blinded by my hatred that I even took it out on Caroline when she needed me most—I was horrible to her.

LIZ: She seems so different now, but—not in the way I expected. She’s not vicious or cruel or anything like that.

Bonnie smiles.

BONNIE: The way Stefan explained it to me, when someone becomes a vampire everything they were before is just amplified.

LIZ: Amplified? What does that mean?

Bonnie thinks for a moment.

BONNIE: Well—someone who cares about people cares more. If a person has a powerful sense of justice, they become practically driven to help others. On the opposite end, if you take a human who’s very greedy or selfish…

LIZ: …you end up with the kind of vampire the council is supposed to hunt down. I think I understand.

She pauses.

LIZ: What side of the spectrum do you think Damon falls under?

Bonnie groans.

BONNIE: If you ask me, smack dab in the middle. I almost miss him being the murderous psychopath—at least then I knew what to expect. This new ‘reformed’ Damon Salvatore is, well—I’m at a loss as to how much of what he is sincere and how much just serves his own agenda. At the end of the day, though—I’d rather him be on our side than against us.

LIZ: Do you trust him?

Bonnie bites her lip.

BONNIE: I trust Damon to do whatever suits Damon. Right now he genuinely seems to want forgiveness, and he’ll do anything to get it.

LIZ: Forgiveness from whom?

BONNIE: Take your pick. Stefan, Elena, me—probably even you.

Liz’s thinks about her words, seeming unsure.


The graveyard…

Elena sits in the graveyard, writing in her diary.

V.O.(Elena): Matt’s words stung—probably even more than he expected. But not for the reason he expected. He thinks the reason all these horrible things have been happening are Stefan’s fault, but he has it completely backwards. I’m the one to blame. It’s because of me that Stefan came back to Mystic Falls. Katherine would never have done what she did to Caroline or Tyler if I hadn’t been here. Klaus would never have killed Jenna. John would never have had to sacrifice himself for me.

She pauses, looking at her ring for a second.

V.O.(Elena): I can’t help thinking about what Elijah said about me—that John’s ring can’t protect me because I’m already supernatural. What exactly does that entail? Is my only ‘power’ that I look like Katherine, or is there more to it than that? How many more people are going to be hurt just because I’m a part of their lives?

Elena looks up, feeling a chill go up her spine. Feeling something, she stands up and looks around the graveyard.

ELENA: Hello?

No answer. She wanders around, searching for a sign of someone.

ELENA: I have to warn you, I’ve seen some really strange things. So if you’re trying to scare me, you’re wasting your time.

A bird flies overhead. Elena’s eyes narrow.

ELENA: (muttering) I swear, Damon—if this is you…

She takes a step back, bumping into someone standing right behind her.

Elena gasps, turning around to see Stefan standing there.

STEFAN: Sorry. Didn’t mean to startle you.

Elena sighs in relief.

ELENA: Stefan? Hey! What are you doing here?

STEFAN: Perpetuating a stereotype.

Elena looks confused.

STEFAN: Vampire, hanging out in a graveyard…

Elena nods, understanding.

ELENA: Right, right…

STEFAN: I hoped I might find you here. This is, after all, where we first met.

Elena smirked at him.

ELENA: Technically we met at the men’s washroom.

Stefan laughs, then becomes serious.

STEFAN: Sorry for running off earlier. I thought I would be able to handle school, but…

ELENA: You don’t need to apologize, Stefan. I’m just glad you’re feeling better. Not seeing you for a week—well, it was the longest week of my life.

The two of them walk through the graveyard.

STEFAN: What have you been up to while I’ve been—recuperating?

ELENA: I’ve been coming here a lot.

Stefan gives her a look.

ELENA: I know what you’re going to say, and you’re right. The last thing I want to do is revert back to being Gloomy Graveyard Girl, but…

STEFAN: I wasn’t going to say that, actually.

Elena sighs.

ELENA: I think I keep hoping she’ll be here.

Stefan’s face falls.

ELENA: Jenna was a vampire when she died, just like Vicki and Anna. Jeremy loved her just as much as he loved them. Why did they get to come back and not…

Stefan hugs her. Immediately, the veins in his eyes begin for form.

STEFAN: Hey, it’s ok…

Elena sniffles.

ELENA: I must sound completely selfish, don’t I?

STEFAN: No, no—Elena, you have every right to be upset. No one should ever have to give up what you have this past year.

ELENA: (whispering) Just a year? It feels longer…

Elena lets go, and sees Stefan’s face. He tries to look away, but it’s too late—she’s already seen it.

ELENA: I hate him, Stefan! I hate him for killing Jenna, and for—for doing this to you. To us! I know we technically killed him, but it still doesn’t feel like enough.

STEFAN: I’m fine.

Elena doesn’t seem convinced.

STEFAN: Really, you don’t have to worry. I’m handling it.

ELENA: You sure?

Stefan nods.

STEFAN: How about you? I saw you talking with Matt earlier. Is everything all right?

Elena shakes her head.

STEFAN: Did you have a fight?

Elena sighs.

ELENA: Yeah. We did.

STEFAN: About me?

ELENA: About everything, Stefan. I used to be able to tell Matt anything, and I’ve been keeping this huge secret from him our entire school year. He’s not going to come around.

Stefan smiles at her.

STEFAN: Hey, don’t worry. I had a talk with him before we left. He’s not going to tell anyone. I made sure.

Elena looks at Stefan, sadly.

ELENA: It’s not just that. He, uh--he told me that, unless I wrote you, and Caroline, and Bonnie, and Tyler out of my life, he and I couldn’t be friends anymore.

A concerned look comes over Stefan’s face.

STEFAN: What did you say?

ELENA: What do you think, Stefan? I love you! Caroline and Bonnie are like sisters to me—I couldn’t lose any of you. I just—I wish Matt could see you all the way I do.

Stefan sees the pain in Elena’s face, and a dark look enters his eyes.

STEFAN: We could always compel him to get over it.

Elena stares at Stefan in disbelief. There’s a moment of awkward silence.

ELENA: You’re joking, right? Tell me that was a joke, Stefan.

Stefan scoffs.

STEFAN: Of course—yeah, I was joking. I don’t do things like that, right?

Elena sighs in relief.

ELENA: Yeah, I know. Sorry, it’s just—for a moment it sounded like you were serious.

STEFAN: Come on—that’s Damon, not me.

They walk towards the exit.

STEFAN: Still—don’t you wish sometimes that you could just make people act the way you want them to?

Elena shrugs.

ELENA: Who doesn’t?

Stefan’s eyes narrow—a look in his eyes hinting at things to come.


Meanwhile, downtown…

Alaric Saltzman sits uncomfortably in the office chair, straightening his tie. He tries to keep his composure, but it’s obvious that he’s quite nervous.

After awhile, a woman enters the office, looking over some papers.

WOMAN: Sorry to keep you waiting, Mr. Saltzman.

ALARIC: It’s all right. I don’t mind.

She sits down at the desk, putting on a pair of glasses.

WOMAN: It says here and you’re a teacher, correct?

ALARIC: Yes. I teach history at the local high school.

WOMAN: Which is how you first met the Gilbert children?

Alaric nods.

ALARIC: Yes. Jeremy was actually one of my first students. I noticed his was struggling in some of his classes.

WOMAN: And, according to this, he managed to turn his grades around not long after you transferred here. I’m impressed—as an educator, you have tremendous skill.

Alaric smiles.

However, she removes her glasses—giving Alaric a serious look.

WOMAN: However, that doesn’t necessarily mean you would make a suitable guardian.

Alaric sighs.

ALARIC: Look, these are good kids. Right now they don’t have anyone they can turn to. They’ve lost the only family they had left…

WOMAN: Which is why Jeremy and Elena need stability, Mr. Saltzman. Something I’m not sure you can provide them.

ALARIC: And you think a bunch of strangers can? I know these kids, ma’am. They trust me.

WOMAN: If you want me to reconsider, Alaric, you’re going to have to provide a better case than the fact you were in a relationship with the late Ms. Sommers. I’m sorry for your loss, but I can’t make these decisions based on pity.

Alaric’s face falls.

Just them, her phone buzzes. She picks it up, and listens.

After a moment, her eyes go wide is surprise. She stares at Alaric, while nodding.

WOMAN: Very well. Send her in.

She hangs up the phone and turns to Alaric.

WOMAN: Apparently someone’s come to speak on your behalf, Mr. Saltzman. Your daughter.

Alaric raises an eyebrow.

ALARIC: My what?

KATHERINE: Step-daughter, actually.

Alaric turns pale, as he sees Katherine enter the office, smiling politely at the social services worker.

WOMAN: You’re—Elena Gilbert?

She laughs.

KATHERINE: I get that a lot. Hi dad.

She waves at Alaric. He doesn’t say a word.


The Lockwood house…

Tyler exits out the front door just in time to see Carol pull up in the driveway. She walks up to him, clearly upset.

TYLER: Hey, what’s up? Tough day at the office?

CAROL: That’s—a definite understatement. Tyler, we need to have a discussion. A serious discussion.

Tyler’s face falls.

TYLER: Does it have to be right now? I’m kinda on my way out the door.

The two of them walk side-by-side.

CAROL: Where are you headed?

TYLER: There’s a bonfire going on down by Whickery bridge. I was gonna meet some friends there.

CAROL: Oh? Those wouldn’t be your vampire friends by any chance, would they?

Tyler stops in mid-step, slowly turning towards his mother.

TYLER: So you know? Can’t say I’m surprised—considering Caroline’s mom knows and she works for you.

CAROL: I’ve just spent the past several hours listening to Damon Salvatore tell me the entire story. I owe you an apology, Tyler—neither your father nor I ever believed the stories about the Lockwood family curse.

Tyler chuckles.

TYLER: So vampires were perfectly believable, but werewolves—no, that had to be made up?

Carol sighs.

CAROL: Would it help if I said I was sorry?

Tyler shrugs.

TYLER: Nothing to apologize for. You didn’t know.

He pauses for a moment.

TYLER: You’re—not going to go after Caroline and the others, are you?

She shakes her head.

CAROL: No—I’ve made an agreement with Damon. His little domesticated coven are exempt as long as they behave themselves.

Tyler’s face lights up.

TYLER: That’s great! Thanks.

CAROL: Don’t thank me yet. Damon’s promised their full cooperation in dealing with any other vampire activities that threaten the town. That includes the Gilberts and their little wizard.

TYLER: Witch.

Carol raises an eyebrow.

TYLER: Bonnie’s a witch. Wizards use magic wands, and she—doesn’t.

Carol shakes her head.

CAROL: Whatever. My point is that, whatever Damon’s group does, I don’t want you involved!

Tyler’s eyes go wide.

TYLER: What?

CAROL: From what I’ve been told, last week you were involved in some sort of vampire raid against something that could have killed you!

TYLER: Klaus was a one-time thing, mom. He’s gone now, and look—I can control the transformation now. I can go wolf whenever I want.

CAROL: I heard—which means you never have to again, correct?

Tyler pauses.

TYLER: Yeah, I guess—but…

CAROL: Damon has at least two other vampires helping him. You don’t need to be risking your life.

TYLER: Look mom—I only did it because they needed help tracking him down. If you want me to stay out of the fighting, I can try. Ok? I’ll let the others know tonight at the bonfire.

Carol shakes her head.

CAROL: I don’t think you understand me, Tyler. I don’t want you associating with them. At all!

Tyler stares at her in disbelief.

TYLER: Excuse me?

CAROL: They’re dangerous. I want you to promise me you’ll stay away from them.

Tyler shakes his head.

TYLER: I can’t do that.

CAROL: This isn’t up for discussion.

TYLER: They’re my friends, mom. Probably the only real friends I’ve ever had. You don’t want me playing superhero, I can do that—but I can’t shut Caroline out of my life. Not after everything she’s done for me.

CAROL: You can make new friends. You’re a Lockwood, remember?

TYLER: I like her, ok?

Carol’s mouth hangs open.

CAROL: Are you telling me—are the two of you are involved?

TYLER: Yes. No. Not—yet. It’s complicated.

CAROL: Caroline Forbes is a vampire, Tyler! Do you understand that? A trained vampire, yes, but still a vampire. You can’t seriously want to pursue a relationship with a—a monster like that?

Tyler’s eyes narrow.

TYLER: Don’t call her that.

CAROL: She isn’t normal.

At that moment, Tyler lashes out—punching one of the statues mounted on a nearby pedestal. He shatters it with a single punch, then turns to his mother.

TYLER: (angrily) Then what am I, mom? Huh? Even if I never change again, I’m still strong! I’m still fast! I can still track a person by their scent and survive being shot at! Maybe a ‘monster like that’ is the only thing I can belong with anymore?

Tyler turns away, his eyes glowing yellow for a second. He shakes it off, and soon leaves.

Carol picks up a broken piece of the statue, shaking her head.

CAROL: You had better hold up your end, Damon.


The Mystic Grill…

Matt brings a round of drinks to some of his friends at one of the tables. It’s the same group who walked in on his argument with Stefan at the school.

MATT: So, you guys have any plans for the summer? Gotta me more interesting than sticking around here, right?

One of them shrugs.

GUY # 1: My folks are heading to Florida for two weeks—which mean, of course, that I’ve got the house all to myself.

He laughs, giving the others high-fives.

GUY # 1: I’ve gotta throw a bash early, so I can get things cleaned up before they get back. You and Forbes should definitely drop in.

Matt’s face falls.

MATT: We—sort of broke up.

GUY # 2: So she’s free now? Awesome!

The other guy gives him a warning look, then turns back to Matt.

GUY # 1: Sorry, man. Didn’t you, like, just hook back up or something?

Matt shrugs.

MATT: I couldn’t—deal with all her drama.

Another one of them rolls his eyes.

GUY # 3: Are you kidding me? With a body like that, I’d take all the drama she could dish out.

GUY # 1: Hey, knock it off, alright? Can’t you see Donovan’s bummed out?

MATT: It’s cool. Besides, I think Tyler’s already beaten you to the punch.

GUY # 1: Lockwood? I thought you two were friends?

Matt sighs.

MATT: So did I. Apparently her drama was the draw with him.

GUY # 2: Can you believe that? It’s those founding families—they all think they’re kings of this town and the rest of us are the lowly peasants. I bet Queen Caroline treated you like her commoner consort, huh?

Matt shakes his head, looking annoyed.

MATT: She’s not like that, ok?

GUY # 3: Well, Lockwood’s definitely like that. You remember how he acted around the rest of the team. Thinks he’s big wolf on campus.

Matt snickers.

MATT: (muttering) You have no idea…

GUY # 2: Hey, here’s comes Lord Salvatore and Lady Gilbert right now.

Matt turns to see Stefan and Elena walk into the Grill. They sit down at a table on the other side—far away from Matt’s section.

He stares at the two of them, worried.

GUY # 1: Hey, what’s the deal with you and Stefan, anyway? I thought you were cool with him?

MATT: He wasn’t the person I thought he was.

GUY # 2: Translation—he’s another stuck-up founder. Didn’t Elena used to be your girl before he showed up?

MATT: Just drop it, ok?

The others are surprised at his words.

MATT: I’d rather not think about them, or Caroline and Tyler. They can just do whatever they want.

GUY # 1: What, so you’re just gonna give up without a fight? Come on, Matt—where’s that fighting spirit? You’re a Timberwolf, aren’t you?

MATT: No, I’m just a regular guy. Ok? Besides, you don’t want to mess with Stefan Salvatore…

Matt glares across the room at Stefan. Stefan looks back.

MATT: …he’s dangerous.

Matt heads back into the kitchen.


ELENA: Stefan?

Stefan snaps out of his daze, turning to Elena.


ELENA: You kind of zoned out for a second there. Are you sure you’re ok?

STEFAN: I told you, Elena—I’m fine. I was just listening in on Matt’s conversation.

Elena looks at him, surprised.

ELENA: You were eavesdropping?

STEFAN: I wanted to make sure he didn’t say anything. He told his friends over there that I was ‘dangerous’.

Elena looks at Stefan, concerned.

STEFAN: Don’t worry—he didn’t give a specific reason. I think he was just trying to scare them away. It, uh—sounded like they were goading him into picking a fight.

Elena groans in frustration.

ELENA: Oh no…

Stefan scoffs.

STEFAN: I could take him!

Elena’s eyes go wide, causing Stefan to laugh.

STEFAN: Relax, would you? I swear, you used to have more of a sense of humour. I miss that Elena.

She smiles at him.

ELENA: Yeah, I miss her too. I guess I’ve gotten so used to bad things happening that I almost expect them.

STEFAN: I think what you really need is some genuine fun for a change. One that doesn’t involve some kind of monster crashing the party.

Elena pauses.

ELENA: Well—Bonnie and Caroline were talking about going to the bonfire down by the Whickery bridge.

STEFAN: There you go.

Elena still seems unsure.

STEFAN: Or not?

ELENA: Do you remember the last time something was held there?

Stefan nods.

STEFAN: Our first date.

ELENA: Which, incidentally, ended with finding Vicki Donovan bleeding in the middle of the woods.

Stefan considered that for a moment.

STEFAN: I’m sure we won’t have to worry about that happening again. Even if Damon did bite her, this time she would just bite him back.

Elena laughs.

ELENA: That—is not funny.

Despite her words, she continues to laugh. Stefan joins in.

From the kitchen, Matt watches the two of them laugh, a tinge of what looks like envy on his face.


Tyler walks along the side of the road when a car horn sounds in front of him. He looks up to see Caroline’s car pull over.

CAROLINE: Hey, I was just on my way over to pick you up.

Tyler laughs.

TYLER: Good thing you came this way then. You’re kinda persona-non-grata at the mansion today.

Caroline’s face falls.

CAROLINE: What happened?

TYLER: Aparently my mom had a meeting with your mom and Damon today. She’s agreed to a ceasefire, but she’s not happy about it. Told me she wanted me to keep my distance from you guys.

A worried look appears on Caroline’s face.

CAROLINE: What—did you say?

TYLER: I started smashing things in protest. Real drama-queen stuff—it’s probably a good thing you weren’t around to see it.


She hugs him.

CAROLINE: I’m really sorry.

TYLER: Hey, it’s not like I ever had the best relationship with my parents, you know?

CAROLINE: I know, but I haven’t either—and as weird as it sounds, it’s like me being a vampire magically fixed things, and mom and I are finally getting along now, and I feel kind of guilty that things are going great for me and not for you!

Tyler smirks.

TYLER: Wow. And I thought I was a drama queen.

Caroline shoves him playfully.

CAROLINE: (laughing) Shut up.

Tyler flies back a few feet, but manages to land in a crouch. Caroline gasps, running over to him.

CAROLINE: I’m sorry. I so did not mean to do that. I guess I don’t know my own strength.

Tyler doesn’t seem upset. If anything, he seems proud of himself.

TYLER: Did you see that? I didn’t even fall down. I’m really getting the hang of this.

They get in the car and turn in the opposite direction.

TYLER: I, uh—talked to Matt today.

Caroline bites her lip.


TYLER: Yeah. It was—awkward. Really awkward.

CAROLINE: You didn’t have to do that.

TYLER: I wanted to. It wasn’t just for you, you know? Matt’s my friend too, and besides—I wanted to tell him about Vicki.

Caroline’s eyes went wide.

CAROLINE: You told him?

Tyler sighs.

TYLER: Tried to, but he never let me get a word out. He doesn’t want to hear about anything associated with the supernatural. We’re still friends apparently, but only as long as I can keep my mouth shut.

Caroline thinks for a moment.

CAROLINE: You know what? As soon as Bonnie makes her a daywalking ring, we need to just bring her over to his house. You know—stage an intervention. A supernatural intervention!

TYLER: I thought you were worried about him freaking out?

CAROLINE: Yeah, ok—but his whole anti-vampire thing is mainly because he blames Stefan and Damon for her death, right? If he knows Vicki’s not dead—not in the traditional sense, at least—then he has to get over it, right? Once she gets control of her thirst, she can move back into his house, and he’ll spend some time with her—see that she’s still the same person, and then poof—acceptance. Just like me and my mom.

Tyler shakes his head.

TYLER: I’m not so sure about…

CAROLINE: And once he does that, he’ll have to give our relationship another chance, right?

Tyler pauses.

TYLER: I don’t believe you sometimes, Caroline. The guy dumped you because he found out you’re a vampire, and you’re just going to go back to him?

Caroline smirks.

CAROLINE: Oh, I’m not going to make it that easy for him. He’s going to have to do some major-league grovelling! I’ll let him sweat a little.

TYLER: But what if he doesn’t change his mind?

CAROLINE: He will. Trust me—I talked to Elena, and she told me that she acted pretty much exactly the same way when she first found out about Stefan. If those two could make it work, then so can me and Matt.

Tyler’s face falls.

TYLER: Yeah, I guess that makes sense…

He looks out the window, watching the road race by.


At the social servies office…

WOMAN: A twin?

Katherine smiles.

KATHERINE: I know it’s a lot to take in. You can try calling up Elena if you don’t believe me.

The social services agent shakes her head.

WOMAN: No—no, I’ve met Elena, and you—still, it is a little hard to believe. According to my records, Grayson and Miranda Gilbert only had two children.

KATHERINE: Only one, actually. Jeremy. Elena was adopted—it’s all written down here.

Katherine hands her a stack of papers, which she looks over.

WOMAN: Your father was John Gilbert?

She nods.

KATHERINE: Grayson’s brother. She was the lucky one—I ended up at an orphanage until mom found me.

The social servies agent looks at the photograph attached to one of the papers—Katherine and Isobel standing arm-in-arm. The date on the bottom is of last year. She turns to Alaric.

WOMAN: This is Isobel Stalzman—your late wife?

Alaric nods.

WOMAN: I thought she passed away years ago. This photograph is recent.

Alaric sighs.

ALARIC: I—thought so to. Until she showed up in town a few months back.

KATHERINE: It’s my fault, really. Mom found out where I was and came to get me. Said she wanted to start over.

WOMAN: And where is Isobel now?

A pained look crosses Katherine’s face. She turns towards Alaric, smirking once her back is turned to the social services agent.

ALARIC: She, uh, died—in a fire. It was a few weeks ago.

WOMAN: And you’re sure this time?

Katherine gasps, giving her a mortified look.

KATHERINE: Both my parents are dead—can’t you at least have a little compassion?!?

A guilty look crosses her face.

KATHERINE: Sorry, I know—it’s not your fault. It’s just, uh—I just found out I even had a sister. Mr. Saltzman has been so kind to me the past few weeks, letting me stay at his apartment and everything.

Alaric’s jaw tightens.

KATHERINE: Before mom died, she promised that—if anything ever happened to her—he would take care of me. And since he and mom never technically divorced, that makes him my legal guardian, doesn’t it?

The social services agent hesitates.

WOMAN: You, perhaps. But the Gilbert children—even if I put it into consideration, Jeremy isn’t related to Isobel by blood.

Katherine sighs, looking deep into her eyes.

KATHERINE: You wouldn’t want to split a family up, would you ma’am?

The agent stares, as if in a trance.

WOMAN: I wouldn’t want to split you up.

ALARIC: Wait—stop. You don’t have to do this!

Katherine smirks.

KATHERINE: Alaric is very responsible—I’m sure he can handle things until Elena and I are eighteen, don’t you?

She nods.

KATHERINE: Good. Everything’s in order then, isn’t it?

She snaps out of her trance.

WOMAN: Yes, everything’s in order. I apologize for the misunderstanding, Alaric. I hope the three of them isn’t too much for you to handle.

Alaric shakes his head, his eyes trained on Katherine.

Katherine simply smiles.

KATHERINE: I’m sure Elena will be thrilled. Don’t you think, Rik?


Outside the building…

Alaric turns to Katherine, glaring at her.

ALARIC: What exactly do you think you’re doing?

She shrugs.

KATHERINE: What, no ‘thank you’? I did you a favour back there.

Alaric crosses his arms, not budging. Katherine sighs.

KATHERINE: I posed as Isobel’s daughter on a few occasions the past couple years. Kind of ironic, all things considered. I had the paperwork ready just in case I ever needed an alibi.

ALARIC: That doesn’t answer my question. Why?

She smirks.

KATHERINE: If I’m going to stay in town, I’m not going to spend all my free time locked up in the boarding house. This way I can move about freely without having to risk running into Elena in public. No more playacting, either. I can be myself.

ALARIC: (coldly)Yeah, I’m sure Elena’s going to be thrilled at having to explain you.

Katherine laughs.

KATHERINE: Oh, I plan to have a lot of fun with that myself. Don’t worry—I’m not going hurt her, or you. Unless I want our boys to pull another staking attempt, I’m going to have to play by their rules—for now.

She gives Alaric a dangerous look.

KATHERINE: But I did just do you a favour, Alaric, and I expect to be repaid.

Alaric doesn’t flinch.

ALARIC: What do you want?

She smiles sweetly.

KATHERINE: Don’t know—haven’t thought of it yet. Once I do, you’ll know all about it.

She turns to leave.

KATHERINE: See you around, ‘dad’.

Alaric stands there, wondering just what kind of deal with the devil he’s just walked into.


Above the boarding house, the sun starts to set.

Vicki Donovan takes a deep breath, experimentally reaching out with one hand as if she were feeling for rain. Once she’s satisfied, she steps outside.

VICKI: About time.

As she walks out, Caroline’s car pulls up.

CAROLINE: Hey! I bet you’re thirsty, right?

Vicki shrugs.

VICKI: I had some blood bags. Not much else to do around here unless you’re a serious bookworm.

Caroline shakes her head.

CAROLINE: Uh-uh, sorry. I’ve heard about your little addiction problem. I think it’ll be safer for everyone if we get you on the bunny diet, stat.

Her face falls.

VICKI: (sarcastically) Great.

Caroline walks up to her.

CAROLINE: Just think of it this way—the sooner you get it under control, the sooner Bonnie will be convinced that you’re safe to be around people. You convince her, you get a ring.

Caroline wiggles her fingers in front of Vicki’s face for emphasis.

VICKI: You serious?

CAROLINE: Bonnie sort of put me in charge of that decision. She, uh—was worried she might be a little bias.

VICKI: Same here actually.

Caroline laughs.

CAROLINE: I’m going to grab some stuff for the bonfire. Just give me a few minutes, and then we can hunt. Ok?

Caroline goes inside, leaving Vicki with Tyler.

VICKI: Wow—she’s changed. Didn’t she used to be a total airhead?

Tyler chuckles.

TYLER: I bet it was all an act. People underestimate you when they think you’re not very smart.

VICKI: Kind of like you, huh?

Tyler looks offended by that, but Vicki smiles at him.

VICKI: Got you! So—werewolf, huh?

TYLER: Yeah. It’s been an adjustment. Though I’m probably preaching to the choir here.

She nods.

VICKI: How’s Matt?

TYLER: Oh, he’s…cool, I guess. He works at the Grill now.

Vicki cringes.

VICKI: They probably gave him my sucky schedule.

TYLER: He took your death pretty hard.

She bites her lip, not sure how to feel about that.

TYLER: You want to—go out or something?

Vicki raises an eyebrow.

VICKI: Like what? On a date?

TYLER: Yeah.

She sighs.

VICKI: I don’t know if you’ve heard about this, Ty—but everyone in town sort of thinks I’m dead.

TYLER: Look, it’s dark out, right? We can go to that bonfire and stay far enough back that no one will even recognize you. I know for a fact that your vision is just as good as mine.

She considers it for a moment.

TYLER: Unless you’d rather stay here and decimate the Mystic Falls rabbit population for the rest of the night.

She scoffs.

VICKI: No way!

TYLER: Then come on—soon as you and Caroline finish eating, we spend a night on the town.

VICKI: You do remember why we broke up, right?

He shrugs.

TYLER: I’m not the guy I was eight months ago. Come on—give me a chance! Worst comes to worst, you’re stronger than I am now.

She laughs.

VICKI: Yeah, ok—sure, why not? Just remember one thing—you try anything, and I’m going to see if wolf tastes better than bunny!

He grins.

TYLER: You’re on!


The Mystic Grill…

ELENA: It just feels so strange. You should have seen Rik, trying to act domestic. I know he’s responsible, but…

STEFAN: Not exactly the parenting type?

Elena shakes her head.

ELENA: He tries, and he has a good heart, but it’s obvious he’s not suited to this kind of thing. I’m worried he won’t get the guardianship.

STEFAN: You could always try and be made an emancipated minor. Considering the circumstances, I doubt it would be contested.

ELENA: That’s fine for me, but what about Jeremy? I doubt I could be made his legal guardian if I’m underage, too.

Stefan pauses. He hadn’t thought of that.

STEFAN: Let’s just not worry about it for tonight, ok? Tonight is about us.

Elena smiles, but then looks slightly worried.

ELENA: Have you talked to Damon yet? How did things with the sheriff go?

Stefan chuckles.

STEFAN: I’m not my brother’s keeper, you know? He doesn’t keep me appraised of every little thing.

ELENA: Yeah, but…aren’t you the least bit worried? The town council knows your secret.

STEFAN: As long as I don’t get any wooden bullets in the back, I’m not going to worry about it.

Elena blinks, taken by surprise at Stefan’s blasé attitude.

Just then, Stefan tenses—two of Matt’s friends from earlier approach the table.

STEFAN: (muttering) Great…just what I don’t need.

GUY # 2: Hey, Salvatore?

Stefan smirks.

STEFAN: And what can I do for you gentlemen?

GUY # 3: I heard you were giving Matt a hard time earlier.

STEFAN: Well, you’re mistaken. Like I said, before—we were just catching up.

GUY # 3: Not the way he tells it. I don’t know what you said, but consider this a warning—we see you bugging him again, you’ll regret it!

Stefan’s eyes narrow.

STEFAN: No, I think that will be you.

Realizing what’s happening, Elena stands up, facing the two of them.

ELENA: Look, it’s my fault. I—had sort of an argument with Matt earlier, and Stefan was trying to smooth things over.

Elena looks over at Matt, who is currently mopping the floor. He’s staring at the four of them —not in anger, but in fear.

ELENA: You tell him to talk to me if has a problem—if he’s still talking to me.

Matt’s friend scoffs.

GUY # 2: That what you founders do? Make us ‘commoners’ out to be the bad guys?

Elena’s eyes narrow, annoyed by the accusation.

ELENA: Excuse me?

STEFAN: You heard him, Elena.

Stefan stood up, walking towards them slowly.

STEFAN: He seems to be under the impression you think you’re better than him. Which—well, is sort of true…but it doesn’t have anything to do with who she’s descended from.

He gives the two of them a dangerous look.

STEFAN: Elena’s only ever been a friend to Matt, which is a lot more than I can say for him at the moment. She doesn’t owe you any explanation—so back off, ok?

Stefan stares into his eyes.

STEFAN: And while you’re at it, trip over that mop bucket on your way back.

He nods. The two of them head back towards their table, falling flat on their faces as they trip over Matt’s bucket.

MATT: What the heck, man?

The other four at the table laugh, as does Stefan. However, Elena looks at him in shock.

ELENA: Did you just compel him to do that?

Stefan scoffs.

STEFAN: Oh please—he deserved it! Did you see the look on his face when…

ELENA: Whether he deserved it or not doesn’t mean you can just take his free will away like that, Stefan.

Stefan sighs.

STEFAN: I’m sorry, ok? It’s just—you didn’t hear the way he was talking about you. They just assumed you thought that way, just because your parents were founders. They needed to be taught a lesson.

ELENA: Would you listen to yourself?

Stefan rolls his eyes.

STEFAN: Bet if Damon was the one who did it, you’d be singing his praise…

Elena stares at him.

ELENA: I expect this kind of behaviour from him, not from you—and it doesn’t mean I approve of it.

STEFAN: If it wasn’t for this ‘behaviour’, you would be stuck taking summer school for the next three months!

Elena gasps.

ELENA: You—the guidance counsellor? Stefan, tell me you didn’t!

STEFAN: I told you I took care of it, and I did!

ELENA: You compelled her?

STEFAN: What was I supposed to do? I tried to reason with her, but she just wouldn’t listen…

Elena shakes her head in disbelief.

ELENA: This is—this isn’t you, Stefan. You’re not recovered from what Klaus did to you…

STEFAN: I told you—I’m fine!

ELENA: You are not fine, Stefan! If you were fine, you wouldn’t be controlling people’s minds just to get your way.

STEFAN: Forgive me for trying to make your life easier!

Elena looks at him.

ELENA: Did you threaten Matt, like he said?

Stefan sighs.

ELENA: Did you?

STEFAN: I was bluffing. I would never have actually…

Elena grabs his arm and starts walking towards the door.

STEFAN: Where are we going?

ELENA: The boarding house, since you’re obviously not ready to be out in public yet. Stefan, I know it’s not your fault…

STEFAN: I said I was fine…

Elena turns back towards him.

ELENA: Don’t! I’m not happy, but I know you’re not in control of yourself at the moment. I’ll stay with you as long as you need me to, but you can’t be around people as long as you’re like this!

STEFAN: There is nothing wrong with me! All I’m doing is making things easier for us to enjoy ourselves. Is that so wrong?

ELENA: If you have to ask that, I know you’re not yourself!

Stefan looses his patience, and looks deep in her eyes.

STEFAN: You don’t have a problem with how I’m acting. In fact, you prefer me this way.

Elena stares at Stefan, horrified. She points to her necklace.

ELENA: (quietly) That won’t work on me.

Slowly, Stefan’s expression matches hers, as he realizes what he just tried to do.

STEFAN: Elena, I—I didn’t—I didn’t mean…

ELENA: (coldly) Yes you did.

STEFAN: I’m sorry.

ELENA: Sorry doesn’t cut it!

With that, she storms out of the grill. Stefan closes his eyes, silently cursing.

Then, a hand clamps down on his shoulder.

DAMON: Outside. Now.


Soon, outside the Grill…

DAMON: What exactly do you think you’re doing?

STEFAN: Really not in the mood right now, Damon.

Damon gives him a look.

DAMON: I thought you’d like to know that I struck a deal with the council. They’re not going to come after us, so long as we behave ourselves.

Stefan sighs in relief.

STEFAN: Finally, some good news.

DAMON: Really, Stefan? Because I don’t know what you were doing back there, but somehow I doubt it would fall under ‘behaving yourself’. In fact, it looked like the exact opposite.

Stefan rolls his eyes.

STEFAN: I can’t believe I’m being lectured by you, of all people. How long has it been since you made Andie Starr your own personal puppet? Two weeks, three—putting some punks in their place and improving my GPA is hardly comparable.

DAMON: This isn’t about me, Stefan.

Stefan steps towards him.

STEFAN: Isn’t it?

Damon sighs.

DAMON: I knew you weren’t ready, and everything I’m seeing here proves it.

Stefan blinks.

STEFAN: Wait a second—I think I understand. What you’re saying is that you don’t think I’m fully recovered from my experience with Klaus. That the human blood he forced me to drink is effecting my judgement, and I don’t even realize it?

Damon nods.

STEFAN: Maybe it would be a good idea if I went back to the boarding house and locked myself in the basement until I’m absolutely, positively, without a shadow of a doubt in control of myself?

DAMON: Now you’re talking sense.

Stefan starts laughing.

STEFAN: Oh, that’s a good one, Damon! For a moment there, I honestly thought you were worried about me!

DAMON: You think this is a joke?

STEFAN: I compelled them, Damon—I didn’t feed on them! I haven’t had a drop of human blood since I attacked Meredith, and that was a week ago. I’m clean!

DAMON: That doesn’t mean you don’t want it, Stefan! You crave it, and that’s what’s affecting you.

STEFAN: I told you, I’m fine…

Stefan turns to go back into the Grill, but Damon turns him back around.

DAMON: You are not fine, Stefan! Threatening Blondie’s ex if not you being fine! Not to mention trying to compel our girl, Elena…

Stefan gets in his face.

STEFAN: Correction: my girl!

Damon pauses.

STEFAN: Elena is my girlfriend, Damon. Not ours—mine! You seem to be having a problem differentiating that.

Damon shrugs.

DAMON: She won’t be for much longer if you keep acting this way.

STEFAN: I’m just doing what you suggested, Damon. What words did you use again? Ah yes—that I ‘sucked’ at the one thing I was supposed to be good at: taking care of Elena. Well, that’s going to change, starting now. I’m through worrying about the ‘collateral damage’.

Damon tenses, not liking the direction this conversation is going.

STEFAN: What’s the matter, Damon? I thought you’d be thrilled. What, with me finally admitting that you were right.

DAMON: Because I wasn’t right, Stefan—you were!

Stefan raises an eyebrow.

STEFAN: Kind of late in the game to change your tune, isn’t it? What, you think just because you called a truce with the council that suddenly you’re the ‘good brother’? That Elena’s just yours for the taking?

Damon chuckles.

DAMON: Wow, you must really want human blood right now—the paranoia’s starting to set in.

Damon turns around, trying to leave.

STEFAN: I hope you enjoyed that kiss, Damon—because it’s the last time it’s ever going to happen.

Damon turns around, a worried look on his face.

STEFAN: What, you didn’t expect Katherine to tell me the first chance she got? She would do anything to make me lose faith in Elena.

DAMON: It’s not what makes it sound like.

STEFAN: Undoubtedly.

Damon walks up to him.

DAMON: She was granting a dying man a last request, Stefan!

Stefan scoffs.

STEFAN: You don’t have to tell me that, Damon. I trust Elena implicitly. You, on the other hand—well, I’m sure you don’t see it that way, do you?

Stefan and Damon glare at each other.

DAMON: So what if I don’t? You know how I feel about her.

STEFAN: And I’m through with letting this obsession you have with my girlfriend slide, Damon. This very one-sided obsession, might I add. In a way, I’m glad it happened—because you had to see for yourself.

Stefan takes another step closer.

STEFAN: You had to see that the only way she would ever kiss you would be out of pity!

Without warning, Damon grabs Stefan and shoves him against the wall, his face transforming.

DAMON: Do not—push me—brother!

Stefan grins, his face transforming as well. He breaks Damon’s hold, and throws him into a pile of garbage bags. He then races over, grabbing Damon by the neck.

STEFAN: You pushed me first, Damon—and from this moment on, I’m going to push back! You spent over a century trying to find Katherine, well she’s right here now. Take her! I’ve made sure she’s too scared to ever consider coming after me again!

DAMON: Yeah, like that’s going to happen! After what she did to me?

Stefan pushes him up against the wall.

STEFAN: Then kill her yourself—I couldn’t care less! But I’m going to make something absolutely clear—stay way from Elena!

Stefan lets him go, before disappearing into the night.

Damon climbs to his feet, a defeated look on his face. He can’t bring himself to chase after Stefan.


Damon walks back into the grill, looking around. Matt’s no longer there, nor are his friends from the football team.

However, he sees Liz sitting alone at one of the booths. For once, she’s dressed in plainclothes, not her police uniform. She doesn’t seem to be in a good mood.

Damon turns to leave, but stops himself—and walks over to her.

DAMON: You mind?

She looks up and glares at him.

LIZ: It’s my day off.

DAMON: Yeah, mine too.

He sits down.

DAMON: Can we talk?

LIZ: I told you before, Damon—I’ve got nothing to say to you!

DAMON: Now that—is pretty much a blatant lie, isn’t it Liz? Because I get the feeling you have an awful lot to say to me. So go ahead—let me have it!

She pauses, wondering what his game is.

DAMON: It might make you feel better.

Liz takes a deep breath, preparing herself.

LIZ: Those first few murders late last year—the motorists, the campers, Tanner—those were you, weren’t they?


LIZ: And Logan?

DAMON: Logan was self-defence. He had a stake right over my brother’s heart. But—I’m not the one who turned him.

Liz pauses.

LIZ: That first night, when you led me to that vampire—was she a danger to anyone?

Damon shakes his head.

DAMON: No. She didn’t kill humans.

LIZ: Then why?

DAMON: Why did I kill her? Because she was Stefan’s best friend—I did it to hurt him.

Liz closes her eyes.

LIZ: So you save Stefan’s life, and then kill his friend immediately after?

DAMON: I was a different person.

LIZ: And I should just take your word for it?

DAMON: Then please—tell me how I could possibly prove it to you! Or Stefan, or anyone! You won’t believe anything I say, so why should I say anything? You’re still going to look at me and see the monster that fed off your daughter.

Liz gasps.

Damon looks at her, and sees the horrified look in her eyes. She’s almost trebling with a mixture of sorrow and fury. Her eyes look as if she’s about to start crying.

LIZ: What—did you say?

Slowly, Damon realizes why she’s reacting that way.

DAMON: You—you didn’t know, did you? None of them told you about that part?

Liz shakes her head, still a little in shock.

DAMON: Damn—I was sure that would be the first thing she told anyone.

Liz looks at him, the fury threatening to overwhelm her.

LIZ: What—did you—do to her?

DAMON: When I first came to town, I needed an in. Some way to integrate myself into this life Stefan was trying to build for himself. Caroline was friends with Elena, and she took an interest in me…

Just hearing the words spoken causes Liz face to twist in pain, as she realizes what’s going to come next.

DAMON: So I slept with her, I fed off her—and I compelled her to do whatever I wanted. I even tried to kill her. I would have, if Stefan hadn’t stopped me.

Damon sits there, waiting for Liz to react. He tenses himself, preparing to run if worse came to worse. However, when Liz finally reacts, it takes him completely off guard…

…she starts crying.

LIZ: My fault—this is all my fault…

Damon’s eyes go wide in disbelief.

DAMON: Hey, come on—don’t say that. You want to blame someone, blame me!

Liz shakes her head.

LIZ: I knew you existed—maybe not you specifically, but I knew about vampires. I should have warned her, and should have tried to protect her—this was happening right under my nose, and I couldn’t even be bothered to…

She sniffles, taking a drink to try and numb the pain.

DAMON: Hey, don’t do that, ok?

LIZ: And she hated me!

DAMON: She does not hate you.

LIZ: Yes she did, because I was never around—I was working all the time, keeping an eye out for vampires, and I didn’t even notice when my own child became a victim of one. What kind of a parent am I? I’m a horrible mother—I’m just…

DAMON: Do not say that! You want to talk about horrible parents, my father shot me and Stefan when he found out we were in love with a vampire! Elena’s real parents abandoned her! The Lockwoods worried about their son embarrassing him to the point of emotional abuse—you did not do that bad of a job!

Liz starts to calm down.

LIZ: Why—why didn’t you kill her?

Damon thinks for a moment.

DAMON: I’m not sure. I knew if I really wanted the others to help open the tomb, I needed to leave Elena’s friends alone. So—I let her go.

LIZ: You call turning her into a vampire ‘letting her go’?

Damon shakes his head.

DAMON: No, that—that was an accident.

LIZ: How the hell do you ‘accidentally’ turn someone into a vampire, Damon?

Damon looks over his shoulder to make sure no one is listening.

DAMON: You remember what I did to save that girl last week? If a human drinks the blood of a vampire, it heals them—any injury, from a broken leg to a bullet wound. But if a person dies within the next twenty-four hours, they turn into a vampire themselves.

LIZ: I know how it works.

DAMON: Then think for a moment—when did you notice Caroline acting differently?

LIZ: After the…

She freezes.

LIZ: You gave her the blood before the crash?

Damon shakes his head.

DAMON: After. She was bleeding internally—the odds were pretty good she wasn’t going to survive. So I gave her my blood to heal her—then Katherine killed her. Like I said, an accident.

He takes a sip of his own drink. Liz just continues to stare at him.

DAMON: What is it now?

LIZ: (whispering) You saved her life?

Damon scoffs.

DAMON: Yeah, for about five minutes.

LIZ: But why? I mean, why bother? To impress Elena Gilbert and your brother?

He shakes his head.

DAMON: Because I saw how worried you were about losing her. I guess I—I just wanted to help my friend.

Liz’s face starts to soften.

DAMON: When I first approached you, it was all part of my ‘diabolical scheme’. You were hunting vampires, so infiltrating you was the best way to keep myself safe. But somewhere along the way—I don’t know—I started to like you. I felt sorry for you. You spent all this time trying to keep those pompous idiots at City Hall safe, and they never appreciated you. It just didn’t seem fair. I just wanted something to go your way for once.

Damon gets up.

DAMON: Look, I know you hate me—and you’re just working with me so you can protect Caroline. You’re probably always going to hate me, but—I just want you to know it’s not mutual. Not everything was a lie.

He turns to leave.

LIZ: Wait.

He turns back.

LIZ: You were human once. What kind of person were you?

Damon sits back down.

DAMON: Now that is a long story. Sure you don’t mind my company?

She shakes her head.

DAMON: Why do you want to know?

LIZ: The Damon Salvatore who was my friend—I guess I just want to know who he was.

Damon smiles.


The bonfire…

By the time Bonnie, Caroline, and Jeremy arrive, a crowd has already formed. Several teenagers are scattered here and their, gathered into their own little groups.

JEREMY: Is anybody else getting a huge case of déjà vu?

Bonnie smirks.

BONNIE: I think that’s kind of the point, Jeremy. They threw a bash here at the start of the school year, so they’re throwing one now.

He shakes his head.

JEREMY: Hard to believe it’s only been a year. It feels longer. I was so messed up back then…

BONNIE: Hey, I was going around trying to convince everyone that I was psychic.

JEREMY: You were.

She gets a smug look.

BONNIE: I know.

CAROLINE: I was totally hitting on Stefan.

Bonnie and Jeremy laugh.

CAROLINE: He turned me down, and I just went to wallow in self-pity. Now look at me—a species change and failed relationship later, and I am still one hundred percent together.

Bonnie gives her a sympathetic look.

JEREMY: If you ask me, it’s Matt’s loss. I mean, look at me—I’ve got a hot supernatural girlfriend, and I get along fine.

He puts his arm around Bonnie’s shoulder.

BONNIE: Mmm—you get along more than fine.

CAROLINE: Thanks, guys. Really, I mean it. There were times this year I was worried we weren’t going to be friends anymore.

BONNIE: I know. I’m sorry.

Caroline smiles at her.

CAROLINE: Apology accepted.

However, Caroline’s expression soon fades as she looks towards the edge of the woods.

CAROLINE: What is she doing here?

Jeremy and Bonnie look behind them, not seeing anything.


CAROLINE: Oh—sorry. I keep forgetting you can’t see as well as I can. Look past the trees.

They move closer to the woods, where they can see Tyler and Vicki watching the bonfire from a distance. They’re talking to each other and laughing.

JEREMY: This is not good! What if someone sees her?

BONNIE: Vicki’s the last person I’m worried about. You both remember the last party she attended? If someone wanders into the woods drunk, we might end up with a repeat of the last party held here.

JEREMY: Yeah, only she won’t be the victim this time.

Caroline shakes her head.

CAROLINE: Tyler’s with her. He won’t let her hurt anyone—right?

They see Tyler take Vicki’s hand. Jeremy tenses, obviously not liking what he’s seeing.

CAROLINE: Uh—why exactly is he here with her?

BONNIE: Didn’t they used to date?

CAROLINE: Yeah—almost a year ago!

Bonnie shrugs.

BONNIE: Not for her. From what Vicki told me, it’s like time just stopped for her until she was brought back.

Caroline gasps.

CAROLINE: Uh-oh—guys, Matt alert!

They turn around, seeing Matt on the other side of the bonfire. He seems to be looking for someone.

CAROLINE: He sees them, and it’s defcon four!

BONNIE: Jeremy, get them out of here! I’ll try to distract Matt.

Jeremy nods.

JEREMY: Got it.

He heads towards the woods, while Bonnie and Caroline approach Matt.

BONNIE: Hey, you made it?

Matt freezes, staring at them.

BONNIE: Right—ignoring me. Forgot.

She sighs, shaking her head.

BONNIE: I’ll leave you to your brooding, then…

Caroline looks across the fire, where she sees Tyler lead Vicki deeper into the woods. She sighs in relief.

MATT: Have you seen Elena?

Bonnie turns back to him.

BONNIE: Oh? You’re talking to me now?

Matt sighs in frustration.

MATT: Look, I know I’ve been—kind of a jerk about all this. But, you know—you lied to me first. I’ve got a right to be upset.

Bonnie nods in agreement.

MATT: I talked to Elena earlier, and I said some things I shouldn’t have—and, well—

BONNIE: Let me finish for you. ‘I’m sorry, Bonnie, for acting like a prejudged moron over something you have no control over, and if you’re willing to acknowledge my existence, I promise not to give you or the rest of my magically-challenged friends the cold shoulder anymore’.

Bonnie smirks.

MATT: Yeah, ok. Just—can we just not talk about that stuff? Please?

BONNIE: If that’s the way you want it.

Caroline gives him a shy smile.

CAROLINE: Are we still friends?

Matt simply nods.

MATT: Where’s Tyler?

CAROLINE: Search me.

Matt looks confused, yet somewhat relieved.

BONNIE: And as for Elena, Stefan and her should be here any moment.

MATT: (bitterly) Great. The last person I want to see right now.

Bonnie and Caroline look at him, concerned.

CAROLINE: Did something happen?

Matt hesitates.

CAROLINE: You can talk about him without mentioning the you-know-what, you know?

MATT: Let’s just say he had some choice words for me.

BONNIE: Look, Matt…there’s something you need to know about Stefan. He’s—he’s been through a pretty traumatic experience recently. I think it’s bothering him more than he wants to admit.

MATT: Traumatic how?

BONNIE: I can’t be more specific without mentioning things you’d rather not hear. Just take my advice—keep a safe distance away until he’s recovered from it.

Matt scoffs.

MATT: You don’t have to tell me twice.

Just then, he looks towards the bridge, where he sees Elena standing. She’s alone, and looks clearly upset.

MATT: Here goes nothing…

Slowly, he starts walking towards her.


Elena stands by the bridge, looking off into the distance…

STEFAN: Nice night.

She looks off to the side, where Stefan stands. He looks at her nervously.

STEFAN: I know that no amount of apologizing can excuse what I tried to do back there. I just—I wasn’t thinking clearly.

Elena scoffs, shaking her head.

STEFAN: The best I can do is plead temporary insanity.

ELENA: You know, they say the first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem.

He walks up to her.

STEFAN: Elena, I am recovered. I told you before, I’m…

ELENA: I know, you’re ‘fine’—but back at the grill you sure didn’t act ‘fine’ to me, Stefan.

Stefan sighs, covering his face with his hands.

STEFAN: I know, I—it’s been happening all day. In the guidance counsellor’s office, with Matt, then those guys at the Grill. At first I just approached them all like I usually would but then—then I just loose my patience. I think about how easy it would be if I used my powers to make our problems just go away. Haven’t I earned that? Haven’t you earned that?

ELENA: When it comes to life or death Stefan, I understand you going to extra lengths. But school, our friends—you can’t just force people to do what you want. It’s cheating, Stefan. It’s wrong.

STEFAN: I know that, I do—I don’t know what’s wrong with me. Elena, I don’t do things like this. This is Damon, not me!

Elena takes him by the shoulders.

ELENA: Stefan—I know. It’s ok.

STEFAN: It’s not ok! What if—what if the next time I lose control, it doesn’t end at compelling or threatening? What if I hurt someone? What if I hurt you?

ELENA: Then we make sure you don’t lose control again. As soon as school’s finished for the year, we’ll go back to the lakehouse and stay there until we’re sure you’re back in control of yourself.

Stefan seems to relax.

STEFAN: Just the two of us?

She nods.

ELENA: Yeah. Without Tyler or Elijah interrupting.

Stefan smiles, and hugs her.

STEFAN: Can you ever forgive me for the way I’ve been acting?

She laughs, looking up at Stefan.

ELENA: If I can forgive Damon for everything he’s done, with you it’s no contest.

They gaze into each other’s eyes, neither one noticing Matt watching the scene from a distance. His face falls, as he walks away.


Meanwhile, in the woods…

JEREMY: What are you doing here?

Tyler and Vicki turn to see Jeremy approach them.

TYLER: Hey, Gilbert. Uh—this a trick question?

Jeremy doesn’t seem in the mood for jokes.

TYLER: She’s been cooped up in that boarding house for a week. Give me a break, will you?

JEREMY: Matt’s about ten feet away at the moment. You realize what would happen if he saw her?

VICKI: Wait, Matt’s here?!?

Tyler chuckles.

TYLER: Well, he didn’t want to listen when I tried to tell him earlier, so maybe he’ll believe it with his own eyes?

JEREMY: And what about the other five-dozen people out there, hmm? The ones that don’t know anything about vampires, and witches—don’t you think it’ll be a little strange that a dead girl is wandering around the woods.

TYLER: I know what I’m doing, ok?

JEREMY: Obviously not.

Tyler scoffs, turning towards Vicki.

TYLER: Can you believe this guy?

Jeremy grabs him by the shoulder.

JEREMY: I know you think you’re helping, but you need to listen…

Tyler glares at him.

TYLER: You know, that fancy ring of yours only protects you from supernatural ‘death’. Doesn’t stop me from kicking your butt.

JEREMY: I’ve been threatened by people a whole lot scarier than you.

Suddenly, Vicki steps between them, pushing Jeremy away from Tyler.

VICKI: You need to back off, Jer!

Jeremy’s eyes go wide.

VICKI: I’ve been cooped up in that boarding house for a week, and Tyler’s the only one who seemed to notice. You didn’t even come to see how I was doing!

Jeremy’s face falls, as he realizes she’s right.

JEREMY: I didn’t—I thought it’d be easier for you if I stayed away.

VICKI: Because I’m the out-of-control vampire, or because you didn’t want your witchy girlfriend getting jealous?

Jeremy’s eyes narrow.

JEREMY: That’s got nothing to do with it.

She laughs.

VICKI: Oh yeah? Who are you trying to convince, me or yourself?

JEREMY: This isn’t about us. This is dangerous, Vicki—if anyone sees you here…

She steps closer to him, grinning.

VICKI: Is that really what’s bothering you? Or is it that I’m not here with you? You’d prefer it if I was, wouldn’t you?

Their eyes lock for a moment, each one trying to stare the other one down.


Her face falls.

JEREMY: You lose control, who do you think has a better chance of stopping you? The upgraded werewolf, or the dumb kid with the magic ring?

He turns to Tyler.

JEREMY: If anything happens tonight…

TYLER: It won’t.

Jeremy nods, before walking off into the woods. Vicki watches him go, still in shock at how he reacted.


At that moment, at the edge of the woods…


Matt turns around, snapping to attention.

MATT: Hey, uh—don’t I know you?

MEREDITH: I would hope so. We’ve only been in the same class together for, I don’t know—the past two years.

Matt nods, a little embaressed.

MATT: Sorry, sorry—uh, Mary, right?

MEREDITH: Meredith. I’ve considered shortening it to ‘Mere’, but that would only invite non-stop horse jokes.

Matt gives her a blank look.

MEREDITH: You were supposed to laugh at that.

Matt sighs.

MATT: Sorry, I just—I got a lot on my mind right now.

MEREDITH: Obviously. You’re wandering off into the woods—alone—instead of hanging out with the rest of us. Considering the high rate of animal attacks in this town, that’s just asking for trouble.

Matt manages a small smile.

MEREDITH: See? There’s the wholesome ‘boy next door’ look I’ve been waiting for.

She lifts her video camera and points it to Matt.

MEREDITH: All right, what inspiring final words does our star player have for us before we leave on summer vacation.

Matt groans.

MATT: You brought a video camera to a bonfire?

She shrugs.

MEREDITH: Of course. You get the best sound bites when people are intoxicated.

MATT: Do you bring that everywhere?

Meredith grins.

MEREDITH: Oh yeah. Surgically attached to it—the doctors held out at first, but it was either this or the nose job.

Matt laughs.

MATT: Are you ever serious?

MEREDITH: Sometimes. Everyone has an off-day now and then. I’m thinking today’s yours, isn’t it?

MATT: Is that on the record?

She pauses, before turning the camera off.

MEREDITH: Do you want to talk about it?

Matt sighs.

MATT: Not really.

MEREDITH: It might make you feel better.

They continue walking through the woods.

MEREDITH: I heard through the grapevine that you and Caroline Forbes broke up. Is that what’s got you down in the dumps?

MATT: It’s a part of it.

He turns to her.

MATT: Have you ever thought you knew somebody, only to find out there’s another part of them you had no clue about? A part you wish you didn’t know about?

MEREDITH: I don’t think it’s possible to know everything about anyone. To tell you the truth, I wouldn’t want to. If I did, well—then where’s the mystery?

MATT: That’s the point, though—I don’t want any mystery. That’s why Caroline and I broke up. I mean, I still love her—at least I think I do—but I just can’t deal with all the drama she has in her life now. So we called it quits, and suddenly I’m the bad guy? Every single person I know is on her side in this, and—I just don’t think it’s fair.

MEREDITH: What kind of ‘drama’ was it, exactly?

Matt sighs.

MATT: Sorry, but—it’s gotta stay a secret.

MEREDITH: Aww—now I’m curious.

MATT: Right now, I just want to live my life without any sort of drama. Is that really too much to ask?

MEREDITH: No, not really--but you’d better get ready for a pretty lonely life.

Matt looks at her, confused.

MEREDITH: Everyone has ‘drama’ Matt. You, me, most of those guys at the bonfire—it’s just that some of us are better at hiding it.

MATT: You? Meredith Sulez, the honour, student has secrets? Come on, you’re an open book!

MEREDITH: No, that’s just the part I let people see. I’d rather not be known as the girl with the crazy grampa.

Matt raises an eyebrow.

MEREDITH: My gramps, he’s—well, he’s this huge conspiracy theorist. Bigfoot, Stonehenge, the Loch Ness Monster, area 51—he’s spent most of his life chasing after myths and tall tales. At one point, it got so bad that he ended up in a mental hospital for an entire decade. He just—he couldn’t keep his theories to himself, and went a bit too far trying to prove they were true.

MATT: I’m sorry. I didn’t know.

Meredith smiles.

MEREDITH: And now you know about my Kooky Gramps drama. Are you going to ignore me, too?

Matt shakes his head.

MATT: No, but I—I’m sorry to lay all this on you, Meredith.

MEREDITH: Hey, I should be the one apologizing to you. I don’t really talk about my gramps too much.

MATT: Were you close to him?

MEREDITH: Are--present tense. My dad doesn’t even talk to him anymore. I was born when he was still locked up, and the only reason I even knew he existed was because of a family tree project back in sixth grade. I tracked him down, and—well, we get together at least once a week to swap stories.

Matt laughs.

MATT: Gotta be more entertaining my your average grandparents, huh? Bigfoot, and aliens, and the Bermuda Triangle.

MEREDITH: Don’t forget the vampires.

Matt freezes.

MATT: Did you say vampires?

Meredith nods.

MEREDITH: Yeah—that was the story that got him locked up. Gramps swore he saw a vampire kill someone right here in Mystic Falls, way back in the fifties.

MATT: Do you believe him?

MEREDITH: I try to keep an open mind, but—seriously?

Matt looks suspiciously at the bandage on her neck.

MEREDITH: Oh, this? It was a wolf—believe me, if some hot pale guy with a charming accent took a bite out of me, I wouldn’t forget it.

MATT: Did your gramps ever say what happened to this vampire of his? What he looked like, where he went?

She shrugs.

MEREDITH: I don’t know—Transylvania? They’re just stories, Matt.

Matt nods, looking over his shoulder.

MATT: Yeah, I know—just stories.


The Mystic Grill…

LIZ: You were in the Confederate army?

Damon nods.

DAMON: Was. I quit—or, I guess, you could say I deserted. They didn’t have a word for conscientious objector back then.

LIZ: Why did you desert?

Damon pauses.

DAMON: You’ll laugh.

LIZ: I promise, I won’t…

Damon takes a deep breath.

DAMON: I didn’t like the idea of—killing people—for a cause I didn’t believe in.

Liz tries to keep a straight face, but can’t help laughing.

DAMON: (muttering) You promised…

LIZ: I’m sorry, but—you not wanting to kill someone? It sounds a little hard to believe.

DAMON: I was still human, remember? Killing’s a whole different thing when you’re a vampire—you can just shut it off if you want.

LIZ: Shut what off?

Damon’s face becomes serious.

DAMON: The guilt. The compassion—all those pesky emotions that tell you what you should and shouldn’t be doing. I tried to resist it at first, but—well, the temptation got to be too much.

LIZ: So it’s a choice? I find that so hard to believe, that so many people would choose to become soulless monsters.

DAMON: Look around you, Liz. Humans aren’t exactly saints, either. How many murders do ordinary people commit every day, without the benefit of it being second nature?

Liz’s face falls.

DAMON: Everyone has a dark side. The part of us that’s selfish, unstable—the part that just wants what it wants without worrying about the consequences. When you become a vampire, that part just gets stronger—that much harder to repress. It gets magnified along with everything else.

LIZ: And what is it that you want, Damon? Forgiveness?

Damon shakes his head.

DAMON: Redemption.

Liz looks at him, surprised.

DAMON: You’ve heard the story by now. How Stefan and I became what we are?

LIZ: Katherine Pierce became involved with the both of you, and turned you both into vampires. Then she faked her death and abandoned you. What I don’t understand is why the two of you are so different. Everyone I’ve spoken too—well, they seem to view Stefan Salvatore as some kind of hero. While you…

DAMON: I’m the one that causes trouble, right?

She nods.

DAMON: You want to know how Stefan reacted when he found out Katherine was a vampire? Pretty much just like your daughter’s boyfriend did—with one small difference. Katherine was more than willing to compel him into accepting her. With me, it wasn’t necessary.

LIZ: You weren’t scared?

DAMON: She never compelled me. She didn’t have to—I accepted everything about her. I—loved her.

Liz stares at him in shock.

LIZ: But—you were human. And it didn’t bother you that she was…

DAMON: Killing people? Yeah, it bugged me a little—but I didn’t care. I would have done anything, given anything, just to be with her. Becoming this—it was my choice.

He looks down at the table.

DAMON: When I thought she’d died, I blamed Stefan. When he found out what Katherine had done, he hated her for it—I couldn’t stand that! I made myself a promise that I would dedicate myself into making him miserable. Even when I found out about the tomb, it didn’t change nothing—it was going to be almost a century and a half before I would see Katherine again. So I waited—all that time I waited for her, moulding myself into the kind of vampire should wanted. When she saw me again, I would be worthy of her love.

He sighs.

DAMON: But it was all a lie. She was never in the tomb to begin with—I waited a hundred an fourty-five years, and she never even wanted me. She wanted Stefan.

He goes silent.

LIZ: It could be worse. She could have left you for another woman.

Damon looks up at Liz, and they both break into laughter.

DAMON: I—ha ha—I wouldn’t put it past her.

LIZ: (laughing) We’re quite a pair, aren’t we? Here I am, on my day off—trying to drown my sorrows with a man half my age.

DAMON: Technically speaking, I’m four times your age.

Liz scoffs.

LIZ: But nobody else knows that.

Damon nods.

DAMON: By the time I found out the truth, Stefan had already started to make a home for himself here. I tried to wreck it for him, but the more I pushed, the more he pushed back. He’d never had the strength to face me before, and I knew what had done it for him—Elena. She was everything he had thought Katherine was before he learned the truth, and he wanted to be with her so badly that he was willing to do anything to keep her. It didn’t seem fair—why should he get to be happy, after I wasted all that time?

LIZ: You’re in love with Elena?

Damon nods.

DAMON: Yeah. Yeah, I am.

LIZ: There isn’t anything wrong with that.

Damon scoffs.

DAMON: Try telling her that. Or Stefan—see, that’s the part that really gets me. Here I am, going after his girlfriend—not to mention all the other things I’ve done to him over the past century—and he still sticks his neck out for me. His life would be so much easier if I wasn’t in it, yet he’s willing to let himself be turned into the very thing he’s fought against his entire life just to save me?

LIZ: Do you believe he’s potentially dangerous now?

Damon scoffs.

DAMON: He’s a vampire—of course he’s potentially dangerous.

Liz starts to get worried.

DAMON: He was willing to do that to himself just to save me—and I can’t let that be for nothing. I’m finally willing to try things his way, but—I’m not sure I can. I don’t know how to be ‘good’.

LIZ: It’s not that difficult.

DAMON: Isn’t it? You said it yourself, Liz—you’re just waiting for the moment I snap and start attacking people again. The Little Witch is wondering what my ulterior motive is, and even Stefan thinks I’m playing a game. It doesn’t matter how hard I try—some people won’t ever see me as anything more than a monster. What’s the point in doing the right thing if it never changes anything?

Liz shakes her head.

LIZ: That’s not the point.

Damon looks at her.

LIZ: Why do you think I do this job, Damon? For money, for respect—I could get those things in much safer ways. I do this job because it has to be done—because people have to be protected.

DAMON: No one appreciates your efforts—hardly anyone even knows what you’re protecting them from.

LIZ: I don’t need them to appreciate it Damon. You don’t do the right thing because of what you get in return—you do the right thing because it’s the right thing!

Slowly, a look of realization comes into Damon’s eyes. He stands up.

DAMON: I’ve gotta go. Thanks for listening.

LIZ: Where?

DAMON: Right now my brother is somewhere, and I don’t think he’s as in control as he thinks. I’m not going to let him do something he’ll regret for the rest of his life—he’s getting my help whether he wants it or not.

Liz puts money on the table, and follows after him.

DAMON: Thought it was your day off?

LIZ: You need my help.

Damon scoffs.

DAMON: Someone needs to keep an eye on me, you mean?

She shakes her head.

LIZ: No—an eye out for you.

Damon looks at her.

LIZ: Let’s go!


Back in the woods…

BONNIE: Jeremy?

Bonnie wanders through the woods, as a thick fog starts to creep around the trees. She shivers—something doesn’t feel right.

BONNIE: Is anybody there?

She doesn’t receive an answer.

BONNIE: Great…now I’m talking to myself.

However, as she reaches a clearing, Bonnie finds something that shouldn’t be there—Fell’s Church.

BONNIE: No way—I couldn’t have walked all the way out here?

She can see a figure standing amongst the gravestones, shrouded in mist.

BONNIE: Who’s there? Jeremy? Tyler?

However, as Bonnie approaches the figure, her identity becomes clear: Emily Bennett.

Bonnie gasps.

BONNIE: How—am I dreaming?

Emily shakes her head.

EMILY: Consider this a waking dream. Your strength has grown, and so has your connection to the rest of us. You have no idea what you’re capable of.

BONNIE: Does that include raising the dead?

Emily gives her a sad look.

EMILY: People call the things we can do ‘magic’, but that’s not entirely true. That term suggests that there are no limits. There are limits, Bonnie. Everything comes at a price.

BONNIE: So the price for saving Jeremy was bringing back two dead vampires—and friendly ones at that?

EMILY: No, that was the solution.

Bonnie looks at her, confused.

EMILY: Your vampire friend’s blood had healed Jeremy Gilbert’s body, but his spirit had already left it. It was too late to save him, but you would not accept that.

BONNIE: But I did save him—you saved him!

EMILY: Only by disrupting the natural order—something our family is forbidden from ever doing. We were able to call back his spirit to earth, but the only way to keep it here was by using something else as an anchor.

BONNIE: An anchor? I don’t understand…

EMILY: When Jeremy died, he still held love in his heart for those he had lost. Some other force prevents him from realizing it, but those feelings remained. That, combined with the vampire blood in his body, enabled us to bring them back—they hold him to this world.

Bonnie gasps.

BONNIE: Some force—I don’t understand. Are you saying it was Vicki and Anna that brought him back, not the other way around?

EMILY: He chose them, but it was you who bound their lifeforce to his own. It was the blood that renewed their lives, but their spirits are what allows him to live now. His return is conditional.

Bonnie shakes her head, refusing to believe it.

BONNIE: No. You can’t—there has to be a way to fix this. To send them back.

EMILY: I am sorry, Bonnie. If either of those vampires are ever destroyed again—Jeremy will die.


As she screams, the mist surrounding them is blown away as if by some invisible wind. Emily’s form dissipates into mist herself.

V.O.(Emily): I warned you there would be consequences…

Bonnie runs back through the forest, in a blind panic.


Back at the bonfire…

Caroline finishes off her drink, before flicking it over her shoulder—causing it to fly over the trees like a projective. She cringes.

CAROLINE: I really, really hope nobody saw that.

She looks around.

CAROLINE: And why do I get the feeling everyone just jilted me?

Caroline takes a deep breath, and concentrates on her surroundings. Her ears start to pick up the conversations around the bonfire.

GUY # 2: You sure they’re alone? I think that brother of his is a cop or something.

GUY # 3: Positive. I saw Salvatore and Elena head into the woods—real cozy-like.

GUY # 1: Remember, get Elena away first. I’m not beating up no chick.

Caroline’s eyes go wide. Then she laughs.

CAROLINE: Aren’t they going to be in for a surprise?

Just then, she sees Damon’s car pull up. Damon and Liz exit, walking over to her.

Caroline groans.

CAROLINE: Please tell me you’re here as a visitor. I do not want to end the school year as the girl whose mom broke up the year-end bash.

DAMON: Where’s Stefan?

Caroline blinks.

CAROLINE: Uh, why…?

LIZ: Damon thinks he isn’t in control of himself at the moment.

A worried look appears on Caroline’s face.

CAROLINE: Excuse me? Hello—this is Stefan, remember?

DAMON: He threatened Matt.

She gasps.

CAROLINE: What?!? When? Are you sure it was…?

DAMON: He’s compelling people left and right, Caroline. He even tried to compel Elena—Stefan is not in control of himself right now.

LIZ: I know it’s hard to believe, but please—just consider how upset he’ll be if he hurts somebody, even accidently.

Caroline shakes her head.

CAROLINE: Oh no—this is not good! He’s in the woods with Elena right now.

Liz gives Damon a worried look.

DAMON: He won’t hurt her. Elena’s probably just trying to keep him away from everybody else just in case something sets him off.

CAROLINE: Something like, say, four drunken muscleheads trying to jump him?

Damon grabs her by the shoulders.

DAMON: Please tell me that’s a joke, Blondie!

CAROLINE: I heard them talking about it earlier. I didn’t think it was a problem—Stefan can handle a few humans, right?

DAMON: The way he is right now, he could kill them!

Liz reaches into her pocket, handing something to Damon.

LIZ: Here.

He looks down at the syringe she just handed him.

LIZ: It’s vervain—I keep some on me just in case. It should be enough to keep him knocked out for a few hours.

DAMON: Thanks.

He turns back to Caroline.

DAMON: Where’s Bonnie?

CAROLINE: She went in the woods after Jeremy, Tyler, and Vicki.

Damon pinches the bridge of his nose.

DAMON: And what exactly is she doing out of the house? You know what—nevermind! I don’t want to know!

LIZ: What can I do?

Damon turns to her.

DAMON: Hopefully with Elena here, we can talk some sense into Stefan before things get ugly. If not, we need to make sure there aren’t any potential victims nearby. Keep everybody out of the woods, and if you hear anything that sounds like a fight, break up the party—I don’t care whose reputation you have to ruin!

Caroline gives him a dirty look.

LIZ: I can handle that.

Damon nods.


Back in the woods…

TYLER: Sorry this trip was such a bust.

Vicki turns to him and smirks.

VICKI: It’s not. I got out of the house, and hey—I didn’t kill anyone, right?

Tyler laughs.

TYLER: Yeah, there’s that.

VICKI: Sorry about Jeremy.

Tyler shrugs.

TYLER: He’s not wrong, though. We do have to be careful.

VICKI: Maybe, but—exactly when did he become such a…

She pauses, looking for the right word.

TYLER: Buzzkill?

VICKI: I was going to say ‘adult’.

TYLER: Yeah—the guy used to annoy the heck out of me, but at some point he just grew up.

VICKI: He was just jealous back then.

TYLER: I don’t think that was it.

He sighs.

TYLER: I was a creep back then, Vic. I let my dad convince me I was entitled to whatever I wanted, and didn’t care what anyone thought of me. I was a bully and a total jerk to everyone—especially to you. You didn’t deserve the way I treated you.

Vicki scoffs.

TYLER: You didn’t! Gilbert saw that, and he called me on it! He really did love you.

Vicki’s face softens.

VICKI: (quietly) I know. Uh—did you?

Tyler hesitates for a moment. She sighs, shaking her head.

VICKI: Yeah, I should have known that, too.

TYLER: Please, don’t take it like that. I mean—I liked you. I definitely thought you were hot.

Vicki grins.

VICKI: Really?

TYLER: Oh yeah! But, uh—I never really got to know you. I never bothered to—I didn’t want to! As much as I wanted you, I never felt those things you’re supposed to feel about someone you’re in love with. The way Jeremy felt about you.

She nods, understanding.

VICKI: And the way you feel about Caroline Forbes?

Tyler’s eyes go wide.

VICKI: I’m not blind, you know?

TYLER: Is it that obvious?

She laughs.

VICKI: You’re hopelessly smitten. With a vampire!

TYLER: Not to mention my best friend’s ex.

Vicki shakes her head in disbelief.

VICKI: I still can’t believe it. My brother and Caroline? Glad I missed that!

They continue walking a little.

VICKI: Damon tried to fill me in on what I missed while I was—uh, you know? I’m sorry about your dad.

Tyler shrugs.

TYLER: He was a creep.

VICKI: He was still your dad. And your uncle, too…I’m surprised you don’t hate all of us for that.

TYLER: I wanted to, at first—but then Elena told me he was planning to kill her and Caroline just to make his girlfriend happy. Yeah, he didn’t know he was going to be sacrificed too, but still—he brought it on himself.

VICKI: You still miss him, though?

Tyler sighs.

TYLER: Yeah—I miss him.

They continue walking.

VICKI: You want to know the weird part? It’s like no time passed for me at all—like I just jumped forward in time or something. Everything’s different, everyone I know has changed—and I can’t even go home! I want to go home, Tyler!

Tyler gives her a sympathetic look.

VICKI: I don’t understand why I can’t! Jeremy and his sister can handle knowing the truth, so why can’t Matt? I know I can’t stay here, but I have to say goodbye to him!

TYLER: I know, I’m sorry—but you can’t see him!

VICKI: He’s here, right now—he’s right in the woods. I can hear him talking to some girl right now! Just let me see him, please—I’ll even erase his memory afterwards! He won’t find out vampires exist…

TYLER: He already knows!

Vicki’s mouth hangs open. Tyler closes his eyes, sighing in frustration.

TYLER: Caroline—she told him she was a vampire, and about what happened to you.

Vicki stares at him in shock.

VICKI: Is—is that why they broke up?

Tyler nods.

VICKI: He couldn’t handle it?

TYLER: When he found out the truth about Caroline, he didn’t want anything to do with her anymore.

Vicki collapses against the side of a tree, an anguished look on her face. Tyler reaches out towards her.

TYLER: Vicki, I’m sorry.

VICKI: (crying) What are you apologizing for? You’re not the one who hates me now.

TYLER: Matt doesn’t even know you’re alive!

VICKI: (crying) And so what if he did, Ty? He’d rather I be dead than the thing he hates! I’m not even good enough to be his sister, anymore! I wasn’t good enough for you, I’m not good enough for Jeremy—I’m not good enough for anybody! Maybe I should have just stayed in that grave?

She tries to run off, but stops when she sees Matt’s four friends creeping through the woods. They’re muttering to themselves.

Tyler’s ears pick them up as well.

GUY # 2: Salvatore won’t know what hit him!

Tyler’s eyes narrow.

TYLER: You get back to the boarding house, Vicki—I’ll handle these guys!


Elsewhere, Matt and Meredith are still talking in the woods. Meredith has her camera trained on him.

MATT: So next year I want to start fresh, you know? Really think about what I want to do with my life. There’s always a chance I’ll get a football scholarship, but I don’t want to rely on that happening. I mean, I don’t want to be waiting tables the rest of my life, right?

MEREDITH: You do realize there are other part-time jobs besides the Grill, right?

MATT: Oh yeah…like what?

She smiles.

MEREDITH: I know a few people.

Suddenly, they hear the sound of footsteps racing towards them.

MATT: Did you hear something?

Meredith looks around, turning just in time for Bonnie to run right into her.


The two of them falls to the ground. Bonnie’s eyes are wild, in a panic.

BONNIE: Wrong—so wrong. I didn’t know. Didn’t consider…torn apart, the pieces of nature and unnature. The balance is broken…

MATT: Bonnie?

MEREDITH: She’s—I don’t know, tripping out or something? Come on—let’s get her back to the bonfire.

Meredith helps Bonnie to her feet. She’s still trembling.

Matt just stands there.

MEREDITH: Hey? Are you going to help or not?

Matt snaps out of it, and helps her support Bonnie, who’s still trembling. As they head back, neither one notices Meredith’s video camera on the ground—the recording light still flashing.


Meanwhile, a ways away…

STEFAN: Ok, I think we’ve gone far enough.

Elena turns back to Stefan, trying to pull him further along.

ELENA: What’s wrong? Are you scared?

STEFAN: You should be. There’s no telling what’s lurking in these woods at night.

Elena rolls her eyes.

ELENA: Stefan…

STEFAN: Don’t worry—I’ll protect you.

Elena takes his hands in hers.

ELENA: I know. I just needed to get away for a bit—spend some time alone with you. It feels like we don’t get that enough anymore.

STEFAN: True—true. But, uh—that’s not the real reason you brought me out here, is it? You wanted to get me as far away from the crowd as possible.

Elena’s face falls.

STEFAN: I get it. It’s probably a good idea, too—less people around, the less chance I’ll give into temptation. But you don’t have to worry.

ELENA: It’s to protect you as much as it’s to protect everyone else, Stefan.

Stefan laughs.

STEFAN: I don’t need protection, Elena. What happened earlier, it was just a slip—I let my guard down. I got overconfident. I promise, it won’t happen again.

Elena sighs.

ELENA: I believe you, but—I’m still worried.

Stefan smirks.

STEFAN: I wish you wouldn’t, but I don’t mind if it works to my advantage. After all, we are alone now…

Stefan leaps backwards, still holding onto Elena—the two of them land several feet away.

ELENA: (laughing) Stefan? What’s gotten into you?

STEFAN: What’s the use of being a vampire if you can’t take advantage of the perks? I could have us back at that Lake House in seconds if you want?

Elena scoffs.

ELENA: At a hundred and fifty miles per hour? Do you have any idea what that would do to my hair?

Stefan pulls her closer, growling.

STEFAN: It would look—amazing. You always look amazing.

Stefan kisses her. Immediately, he face transforms.

He breaks off the kiss, but doesn’t move way. Elena stares into his face., breathing heavily.

STEFAN: I’m sorry. I know this is dangerous—right now—but I couldn’t stop myself. I can’t stay away from you. But it’s dangerous.

ELENA: Very dangerous.

However, the look on Elena’s face isn’t one of fear. In fact, she almost seems drawn to this side of him. She grabs the sides of Stefan’s face and kisses him forcefully.

They continue making out for a long moment, before they finally separate. Elena is still breathing heavily, looking almost overwhelmed.

ELENA: It feels like forever since we’ve done that. It was just—wow!

Stefan grins.

STEFAN: It was very ‘wow’.

Elena grins back, as Stefan leans in close. He looks as though he’s about to kiss her again, but then stops an inch away.

STEFAN: So tell me—who’s the better kisser? Me or Damon?

Elena’s expression changes to one of confusion, then of panic.

ELENA: Stefan, I—

Stefan shakes his head.

STEFAN: You don’t have to explain yourself to me.

ELENA: Yes I do! Stefan, I—I thought he was going to die. I couldn’t let him die thinking that I hated him, but—it didn’t mean anything. Not the way Katherine made it sound. She was the one who told you, wasn’t she?

STEFAN: Yes, and I believe you.

Elena sighs in relief.

ELENA: I am so sorry. I can’t imagine what you must think of me right now.

STEFAN: There’s nothing to apologize for, Elena—not for you, at least. You did it out of compassion, not passion. You didn’t act with the intent to be unfaithful. I just—well, I kind of wish you hadn’t of picked that particular method.

Elena nods.

ELENA: You’re probably right.

STEFAN: Because, even though it might mean nothing to you, it meant everything to Damon. Don’t you see? Now he thinks he has a chance.

Elena’s eyes go wide.

ELENA: What? No—Stefan, I’m sure that…

STEFAN: He wants you, Elena! He wants you, and he’ll do whatever it takes to get you! Well, I’m not going to let him win!

ELENA: It isn’t a competition!

STEFAN: With me and Damon, everything’s a competition! Don’t you see what he’s doing? This whole heroic act of his? Because that’s all it is, Elena—an act! Damon only ever does something because he wants something in return!

Elena shakes her head.

ELENA: Stefan, I love you—you and only you! I know you and Damon have your problems, but—I honestly believe he’s trying to change.

However, Stefan refuses to even consider her words.

STEFAN: That’s what he wants you to believe! I know him too well!

Stefan touches the side of her face.

STEFAN: Hey, it’s ok—I know why you’re doing this, Elena. You’re afraid.

ELENA: I’m not afraid of you, Stefan!

STEFAN: No, you’re afraid of Damon. That’s the reason you haven’t outright rejected him, isn’t it? Because the last time you did that, he tried to kill Jeremy. He won’t hurt anyone else, Elena—I swear to you that he won’t. I’m strong enough to stop him now!

Elena stares at Stefan, looking very worried.

Suddenly, Stefan’s ears pick up a sound from nearby. He pushes Elena behind him, as two guys tackle him to the ground.

ELENA: Stefan!!!

A third grabs her from behind, starting to drag her away.

STEFAN: Elena? Elena!!!

A forth guy shows up, punching Stefan in the face.


Back at the bonfire…

LIZ: Anything?

Caroline shakes her head.

CAROLINE: I circled the woods—no sign of anyone. No Stefan, no Vicki—maybe they just all went home?

Damon walks up to them.

LIZ: Can’t you track him somehow? I thought you had enhanced senses?

DAMON: Can you identify people by their smell? I’ve just got better range—Tyler’s the only one with animal senses, and he’s probably off getting reacquainted with his ex.

Caroline’s eyes go wide.

CAROLINE: When you say ‘reacquainted’, you don’t mean…?

Damon smirks.

DAMON: Do I really have to spell it out for you, Bondie?

She makes a sour face.

MEREDITH: Hey, could somebody give us a hand?

The three of them turn to see Meredith and Matt practically carrying Bonnie out of the woods.

CAROLINE: Bonnie? What happened?

They sit her down on a rock.

MEREDITH: No idea—we found her in the woods, raving like a crazy woman. You don’t think it’s drugs, do you?

Caroline checks the side of her neck, then sighs in relief.

CAROLINE: She’s ok—Bonnie? Can you hear me?

Bonnie’s hand goes to Caroline’s shoulder.

BONNIE: We did this! You and me, Caroline—we threw everything off! Now we have to fix it!

Damon, on the other hand, stares at Meredith in surprise. She looks back at him, awkwardly.

MEREDITH: Uh—do we know each other? You seem awfully familiar.

Damon shakes his head, then turns to Matt.

DAMON: You’ve got some explaining to do!

Matt gives him a death glare. However, Damon grabs him by the arm, and pulls him to the side—away from the girls.

MATT: Get your hand off me!

DAMON: Not until you tell me what you did with Stefan!

Matt looks at him, confused. Damon chuckles, shaking his head.

DAMON: You didn’t even know—great!

Liz puts her hand on Matt’s shoulder.

LIZ: Matt, listen—some of your friends from school went into the woods after Stefan Salvatore. Caroline overheard one of them say they were going to attack him.

Matt’s eyes go wide.

MATT: What?!? I told them to stay away from him!

DAMON: Obviously they didn’t listen.

LIZ: Damon, back off.

Damon nods, stepping away. Matt stares at Liz in shock.

MATT: Are you working with them now?!?

LIZ: You were the one who told me to keep an open mind.

MATT: About Caroline and Tyler, not—not him! He’s a murderer, Sheriff! He and his brother turned my sister into a monster and killed her! You can’t seriously be helping them?

Liz’s eyes narrow.

LIZ: I don’t have to explain my actions to you.

Matt starts to get angry.

MATT: You’re supposed to protect us!

LIZ: That is exactly what I’m doing.

DAMON: You don’t want anyone to die, Mutt—well let me clear something up for you. Right now, Stefan is not in his right mind! I think you got a healthy dose of how far gone he is this afternoon, right?

Matt tenses.

DAMON: Thought so. You had a fight with Elena, so he lost his cool. Imagine how he’d react if someone actually tried to hurt Elena—like those friends of yours?

Matt goes pale.

MATT: Elena’s with him? Right now?

DAMON: Yes, and you had better hope she can calm him down. Because whatever happens tonight, I’m holding you responsible!

He walks back over to Bonnie.

DAMON: Is she ok?

CAROLINE: Bonnie’s totally catatonic. I need to take her home.

DAMON: No way. I’m going to need your help with Stefan.

MEREDITH: That’s it!

The two of them turn to Meredith, having forgotten she was even there.

MEREDITH: You’re Stefan Salvatore’s brother, right? I think I saw you at the decade dance.

Damon groans, walking over to her.

DAMON: Listen—I need you to bring Bonnie home.

MEREDITH: Is Stefan is some kind of trouble?

DAMON: None of your business! Can you get her home or not?

MEREDITH: Sure, but—I need to find my camera first. I think I dropped it back in the woods.

She turns back towards the woods, but Damon stands in front of her.

DAMON: Never mind about the stupid camera.

Damon looks deep into her eyes.

DAMON: You’re going to bring Bonnie home—right now, and you’re not going to ask me anymore questions.

Meredith stares for a moment—then snickers.

MEREDITH: Do people always do whatever you ask?

Damon blinks in confusion.

MEREDITH: I’m sure you’re used to high school girls falling all over themselves for you, but I’m not leaving here without my camera.

Damon just stares at her in disbelief.

LIZ: Excuse me? Ms. Sulez?

Meredith looks up at her.

LIZ: How old are you?

MEREDITH: Seventeen. Why?

LIZ: Is that alcohol I smell on your breath?

She opens her mouth to speak, but nothing comes out.

MEREDITH: Right—Caroline’s mom—the sheriff. I, uh—better get Bonnie home. If you see my camera, let me know—ok?

Damon shakes his head, still in shock. However, as he turns around, he finds that Matt’s no longer there.

DAMON: Oh for—

He races into the woods at full speed.


Back in the woods…

STEFAN: Get off!!!

He grabs the attacking arm in mid-swing, and tosses him over his shoulder—right into a tree.

GUY # 1: Guy’s on steroids or something!

Stefan snarls, causing the others to freeze. His jaw tightens as he tries to reign himself in.

Suddenly, something drops down from the trees.

TYLER: Need a hand?

The three of them grin.

GUY # 2: Right on time, Lockwood.

TYLER: Wasn’t talking to you!

Tyler turns him around, punching him to the ground. As the third one charges at him, Tyler backflips overhead, kicking him in the back with both feet.

The three of them are on the ground, groaning. He grabs Stefan’s hand, helping him up.

STEFAN: I could have done that.

TYLER: Yeah, but my strength’s easier to explain than yours. Besides, how often to I get to save your neck?

Stefan’s eyes narrow.

STEFAN: There was another one. He grabbed Elena!

Tyler’s nostrils flare, as he catches the scent.

TYLER: I got her! This way!

The two of them run off, just as the three guys start to recover.


ELENA: Let me GO!

Elena elbows her attacker in the ribs. As he’s reeling, she spins around and kicks him in the chest.

GUY # 4: You’ve got—some fight in you!

ELENA: What do you want with Stefan?

He grins.

GUY # 4: Teaching your boyfriend a lesson. I’m sure my friends are bloodying him up right now.

Elena shakes her head.

ELENA: You don’t know how right you are.

He looks at her, confused—before a large chunk of wood bashes him on the head.

MATT: Idiot!

Elena’s eyes go wide.

ELENA: Matt? What’s going on?

MATT: This wasn’t my idea, Elena! They think they’re helping me, but—it wasn’t my idea!

Elena nods.

ELENA: We have the help Stefan!

Matt grabs her arm.

MATT: No, I need to get you somewhere safe! He doesn’t need our help—with how strong that guy is, he could probably take out the entire team without breaking a sweat!

ELENA: You don’t understand! Stefan isn’t in control of himself…

She struggles, but Matt isn’t letting go.

MATT: All the more reason to get you as far away from him as possible!

ELENA: Let me go!

MATT: You said it yourself—he’s unstable! If those guys pushed him too far, there’s no telling what that vampire will do! He’ll kill you!

Elena’s eyes narrow.

ELENA: No, he won’t—but he might kill them. And if he does, Matt, he’ll never forgive himself! I have to stop him!

MATT: Would you listen to yourself? All this just proves Stefan isn’t who you thought he was!

ELENA: This isn’t his fault, Matt!

MATT: You think I don’t know that? I know he can’t help what he is, none of them can—but that doesn’t mean you have to risk your life. If he’s too dangerous to be around, then maybe you shouldn’t be!

Elena manages to free her arm finally.

ELENA: (coldly) You don’t know anything.

MATT: I know that all the bad things that have happened to us started when he and his brother came to town. How you can’t see that—how you can willingly subject yourself to this—this insanity--is beyond me. It’s his fault so many people have died!

Elena slaps him.

ELENA: How dare you?

Matt stares at her in shock.

Neither of them notice a pair of eyes watching from the trees.

ELENA: Stefan has only ever tried to help people. He doesn’t hurt people, Matt--he saves them!

MATT: He didn’t save my sister!

ELENA: He tried!

Matt sighs.

MATT: He’s the reason normal people like us are even in danger.

ELENA: (quietly) Normal people like us?

She lifts up her hand again, showing him the ring.

ELENA: Do you see this, Matt? Do you want to know what’s so special about this ring? Any human who wears this can’t be killed by anything supernatural! Not vampires, werewolves—nothing!

MATT: So that thing keeps you safe?

Elena shakes her head.

ELENA: No, Matt—it doesn’t. Because it doesn’t work on someone who’s supernatural themselves.

Slowly, a horrified look creeps onto Matt face.

MATT: No—no, you told me that you weren’t…

ELENA: I’m not a vampire, Matt—I’m a doppelganger.

MATT: What’s a doppelganger?

ELENA: It’s a person who’s an exact duplicate of another person. In my case, a woman who died over a thousand years ago. My face, my voice—everything about me is a copy.

Matt shakes his head, refusing to believe it.

ELENA: Stefan didn’t cause these things to happen Matt—I did! Caroline, Tyler—what happened to them was because of me! Not Stefan, not his brother—ME!

Matt stands there, a defeated look on his face.

ELENA: I’m human, Matt—but I will never be normal. This ‘insanity’—it’s my life, whether Stefan is a part of it or not.

She takes a step towards him.

ELENA: I’m going to go help the man I love. So either help me, or stay out of my way.

Matt closes his eyes, turning his back to her. Elena gets a sad look on her face.

Then, without warning, something races by a super-speed and grabs her. Matt turns around, and sees that she’s gone.


Elena gasps, realizing that Vicki is standing next to her.

VICKI: I almost wanted to applaud back there!

Elena blinks.

ELENA: Vicki? You heard?

VICKI: You want to help Stefan? I can take you to him.

Elena nods.

ELENA: Thank you.


Stefan and Tyler run through the woods.


TYLER: She came through this way!

Stefan pauses, his ears picking up footsteps.

STEFAN: There’s more of them.

Two other boys step out from behind some trees.

TYLER: I’m starting to think this is a Timberwolf mutiny!

Stefan’s eyes narrow.

STEFAN: (growling) Where—is—Elena?

TYLER: Spill, while you still have teeth!

The other three approach from behind, effectively surrounding them.

GUY # 1: Should have known you’d side with him, Lockwood. You founders all have loyalty to each other, don’t you?

TYLER: Back off, man! You really don’t want to mess with us right now.

STEFAN: Just tell me where Elena is, and we can forget this ever happened.

They get closer.

STEFAN: Or better yet—how about I break your bones, one by one, until you tell me. That sounds fun, doesn’t it?

Tyler smirks.

TYLER: Nice bluff.

Stefan smirks back.

STEFAN: Who’s bluffing?

One of them throws a punch at Stefan. Stefan moves aside at super-speed, tripping him.

Tyler’s eyes go wide.

The other four boys stare in disbelief.

STEFAN: Was that too fast for you? Sorry, but I’m out of patience! So I’ll ask again…

He races forward at super-speed, grabbing the two boys in front and throwing them a full yard backwards.


GUY # 1: Did you see that? He’s some kinda freak!

Stefan laughs.

STEFAN: Do you have any idea what I’m capable of? Do you?

He grabs the leader, raising him up by the collar.

STEFAN: All I want is to be left alone! To live my life in peace—is that really too much to ask? IS IT?

He shakes his head.

STEFAN: But no, you keep pushing and pushing me! My brother’s the one who hurts you people, but I’m always taking the blame! And the worst part is it’s always—Elena—who suffers!

He tosses him to the ground.

STEFAN: Does that seem fair to you? DOES IT?!?

ELENA: Stefan!

Stefan turns around to see Elena standing there with Vicki.

ELENA: I’m right here—I’m ok! You don’t have to do this.

Stefan looks at her, shaking his head.

STEFAN: They—tried to hurt you…

ELENA: But I’m fine, see?

Stefan approaches her, starting to calm down. However, as he does, one of the boys tries to sneak up behind him. He holds a broken tree branch, trying to stab him.

ELENA: Stefan!

Elena pushes him out of the way, and the branch stabs her in the shoulder instead.

Stefan tackles him to the ground.

STEFAN: Elena, are you..?

He looks over his shoulder towards Elena, who grips her bleeding shoulder. He freezes.

Vicki quickly puts as much distance between herself and Elena as she can. She turns away as her eyes start to bleed.

VICKI: Not good—not good…

The boy Stefan has pinned to the ground stares up in horror as the same thing happens to Stefan. Stefan opens his mouth, his fangs growing into place.

TYLER: Stefan, don’t!

Tyler leaps towards Stefan, pulling him off the boy.

TYLER: Elena, get out of here!

Stefan rolls out of Tyler’s grip, jumping to his feet.

STEFAN: Good advice. She probably doesn’t want to see this!

Two of the other boys start to run. However, Stefan leaps towards them, catching them in the back. He tosses one of them into a tree, while holding the other in place.

Vicki eyes the one on the ground, hungrily.

Tyler runs over to her, grabbing her arms from behind.

TYLER: Calm down—you have to calm down. Ignore it!

She tries to break free at first, but slowly reason enters her eyes. She nods, and Tyler lets her go.

Stefan isn’t so lucky. He holds onto the boy, looking down menacingly.

STEFAN: Guess it’s your unlucky day…

He screams.

Then, without warning, Damon Salvatore knocks Stefan away from him.

DAMON: Hello, brother.

Damon pulls out the vervain needle.

Stefan sees it, and hisses. He lunges at Damon, knocking it out of his hand. The two of them struggle, but Damon manages to hold him back.

Caroline rushes to Elena’s side.

CAROLINE: What happened?

Elena’s eyes go wide.

ELENA: Caroline, the blood…

CAROLINE: I can handle it. See?

To Elena’s surprise, Caroline’s face is completely normal.

GUY # 2: Out of my way!

Caroline looks up as one of the boys holds the broken branch that injured Elena towards her menacingly.

CAROLINE: Oh, come on—no way I’m being staked by you!

She kicks the branch in two, sending him reeling.

Before he can recover, however, Tyler tackles him to the ground, punching him.

TYLER: (furious) Do you realize what you could have done, huh? You could have killed her!

As he speaks, Tyler’s eyes start to glow yellow.

TYLER: You could have KILLED her with that, you miserable piece of trash!!!

Tyler punches him again, and again—as he does, his body starts to swell. Vicki runs up to him, trying to pull him away.

VICKI: Tyler, stop—you’ll kill him!

Tyler growls, knocking her away effortlessly. She lands right next to the broken branch, eyeing it.

Tyler’s shirt starts to rip open—then his shoes.

His teeth form into large canines.

His bones break and reform themselves, as his hair starts to grow.

GUY # 2: Holy—

In seconds, Tyler Lockwood is gone—and in his place is a fully-formed werewolf.

Neither Damon nor Stefan seem to notice this, as they’re still in the midst of their struggle.

DAMON: Snap out of it, Stefan! I’m not going to let you do this to yourself!

Stefan laughs.

STEFAN: Who’s going to stop me, Damon? You?

Stefan tackles Damon, slamming him into the ground.

STEFAN: Now who’s the stronger one? I can do it now, Damon—you will never overpower me again! I’ve won!

Damon nods.

DAMON: Yeah—but what’s it gonna cost you?

Stefan looks over at boy who was almost his next victim. He’s cowering on the ground, horrified. Upon seeing that look on his face, Stefan hesitates.

STEFAN: I—no…I almost…

DAMON: Go ahead. I’m sure you can kill him before anyone stops you.

Stefan shakes his head.

STEFAN: I don’t do these things. This isn’t me! I don’t act like this, you do!

He grabs Damon by the collar.

STEFAN: You made me this! You kept pushing me—pushing me so I had to be stronger so I could stop you! Why couldn’t you just leave me alone?

Stefan lets him go, covering his face.

STEFAN: (quietly) Why can’t you leave me alone?


Stefan and Damon turn their heads to see what the scream is about. They see Caroline standing in front of Elena, as the Tyler-wolf stands only a few feet away. However, his attention doesn’t seem focused on Elena or the vampires.

It’s on the other four boys.

He growls, baring his teeth—and leaps towards his prey.


Stefan races at full speed, snatching the boy away before Tyler can reach him. Once he’s a safe distance away, Stefan places him on the ground and turns towards Tyler.

STEFAN: Tyler, you need to calm down! Change back!

Tyler growls, turning to one of the other boys.


The wolf whines, collapsing to the ground with a tranquilizer dart in his neck. Standing off to the side is Jeremy Gilbert, holding a rifle.

JEREMY: Sorry, Tyler.

Elena’s eyes go wide.

ELENA: Where did you…?

JEREMY: Ran into the sheriff. She had this handy, just in case. It’s wolvesbane—just enough to make him change back.

Sure enough, Tyler started to return to human form right before their eyes. The clueless boys stare in disbelief.

GUY # 2: What the hell are you freaks?

They try to run off, only for Caroline to block their path.

CAROLINE: Oh, you’re not going anywhere!

Stefan and Elena lock eyes for a moment, and Stefan’s face is the picture of regret. He looks at her bleeding shoulder, and his expression changes.

ELENA: Stefan?

He walks over to her, not saying a word.

DAMON: Stefan, no!

STEFAN: She’s hurt!

DAMON: You’re not in control! Let me…

Stefan pushes Damon way.


Jeremy aims his rifle at Stefan.

JEREMY: Back off, Stefan!

Stefan knocks it out of Jeremy’s hands, hissing at him.

Then, suddenly—Vicki appears right behind him, stabbing him in the back. Stefan gasps, his eyes wide in surprise. He falls to the ground.


Elena runs over to him, falling to her knees in horror. She shakes her head violently.

ELENA: No—no, no, no, no…

She starts to cry, until she notices exactly what’s sticking out of his back.

The vervain needle.

A mixture of surprise and relief on her face, Elena looks up at Vicki.

ELENA: I—I thought you…

She shakes her head.

VICKI: Never even crossed my mind.

Elena closes her eyes, sighing in relief.

ELENA: (whispering)Thank you.

Damon watches the scene, before turning to Caroline.

DAMON: You know what to do?

CAROLINE: Compel the five muscleheads? Got it!

Damon nods, pulling his cell phone out of his pocket.

DAMON: Liz? Crisis averted. I’m gonna need you the bring the car around, and—uh—a change of clothes for Tyler.


Later, at the Forbes house…

Damon, Caroline and Liz walk up to the front door.

LIZ: How are they? Those boys…

CAROLINE: Compelled. I, uh—made them think Stefan and Tyler managed to kick all their butts on account they were completely wasted. Kind of smart, if I do say so myself.

DAMON: Elena’s hurt, but nothing serious. No one died—though I’m pretty sure that won’t make much of a difference to Stefan once he wakes up.

Liz looks at him, concerned.

LIZ: Is he ok?

DAMON: He blamed me for this. Not because I’m the reason Klaus got his hooks in him, but because of everything else—and personally, I don’t blame him. All those years I tried to get him to act like me—

CAROLINE: Stefan acting like you…not a pretty sight.

Damon sighs.

DAMON: I don’t think he’ll be a problem after tonight. I’ll keep an eye on him, but it’s probably not necessary. I’m sorry it came to this.

LIZ: Those boys would have died if you hadn’t been here, Damon. That counts for something.

Damon looks at her, surprised.

DAMON: I don’t think saving a couple drunken jocks is nearly enough penance for the things I’ve done.

LIZ: Maybe not—but you’ve proven yourself in my eyes. The Damon Salvatore who was my friend—he’s in there somewhere. Maybe you just need to let him out more often.

Liz walks inside. However, Caroline lingers outside.

CAROLINE: I don’t know what your secret is Damon, but you’ve got to share it. How did you win her over?

DAMON: We just talked. You should try it sometime.

She rolls her eyes.

CAROLINE: What about?

DAMON: Well—you, for instance.

Caroline cringes.

DAMON: Why didn’t you tell Matt about what I did to you?

She looks away.

DAMON: I was sure you’d condemn me for that the first chance you got.

CAROLINE: Because—I was kind of ashamed.

Damon raises an eyebrow.

CAROLINE: Who wants to admit they were taken advantage of?

Damon almost looks offended.

DAMON: Hey, wait a second—I may have compelled you not to say anything and be my unwilling minion, but you did that part all on your own.

CAROLINE: And why would I do that?

Damon smirks.

DAMON: Because you liked me?

Caroline glares at him for a moment, but then sighs in defeat.

CAROLINE: Yeah—I did like you. You know, it wasn’t really the feeding on me part that bothered me. It was—the fact that you didn’t really need me. I was disposable. When you were done with me, you just tossed me aside.

Damon nods.

DAMON: You’re right. I did.

Caroline looks away, uncomfortable bringing up bad memories.

DAMON: Back then, the only thing I cared about was getting Katherine back. You were just a means to an end—I would have picked anyone, but you were the first person who showed an interest. I didn’t think about what I was doing—and it was all for nothing.

Slowly, Caroline turns to him.

DAMON: Katherine never wanted me to begin with. To her, I was just a means to an end. She led me on, used me, turned me into a monster—and so, of course, I turn around and do the exact same thing to you.

Her face softens.

CAROLINE: I, uh—I guess I never thought of it that way.

DAMON: You’ve done good, you know? Better than me, at least—a lot better than me. When Katherine turned you, I was so sure it was going to end badly. That’s why I tried to stake you—I thought I was doing you a favour. Somehow, you managed to adjust better than any vampire I’ve ever met. You’ve even got the vampire hunters and werewolves on our side—I gotta say, I’m impressed.


Damon nods.

DAMON: Yeah. You stood by me, when you had every reason not to. I owe you a lot, Blon—Caroline. Most of all, I owe you an apology.

She smirks at him.

CAROLINE: For trying to stake me?

DAMON: For everything. I’m sorry I fed on you, I’m sorry I compelled you—and I’m sorry I said those things that made you feel bad about yourself. You didn’t deserve any of that.

Caroline stares at him in surprise, her face a mixture of emotions.

CAROLINE: You really mean that?

He nods.

DAMON: I know it doesn’t mean much., but yeah—I do.

Caroline smiles.

CAROLINE: It means a little.

Damon offers his hand.

DAMON: So, how about it? Friends?

Caroline hugs him, much to Damon’s surprise.


She lets him go.

CAROLINE: Uh—just friends, though. I don’t think I’m ready to forgive you that much.

DAMON: Oh, definitely!

CAROLINE: Maybe if I’m still single, say—fifty years from now?

DAMON: That depends—will you grow out of that annoyingly bubbly streak of yours by then?

Caroline slaps him in the shoulder.


Damon grins in amusement, as Caroline walks inside.


Back in the woods…

Meredith wanders through the forest, trying to retrace her steps. Finally, she comes across her video camera lying on the ground. She kneels down and checks it.

MEREDITH: (groaning) Broken—great! Thanks a heap, Bonnie!

She picks up the camera, and pauses—looking over her shoulder.

MEREDITH: Hello? Is someone there?

She doesn’t receive a response. Feeling slightly nervous, she heads out of the woods—much faster than expected.

Once she’s gone, Lexi walks out from behind a tree, a suspicious look on her face.


The boarding house…

Stefan lies in the cellar. His eyes slowly open to see Vicki looking down at him.

VICKI: How are you feeling?

Stefan sits up, groaning.

STEFAN: I nearly exposed myself, threatened my friends, attacked my brother, and tried to kill five innocent people. Oh, and Elena probably won’t even speak to me again. How do you think I feel?

Vicki shrugs.

VICKI: Horrible?

Stefan nods.

VICKI: Good.

Stefan looks at her for a moment.

STEFAN: You injected me with vervain, didn’t you? For a moment, I—I thought you had actually…

VICKI: Yeah, so did everybody else. I didn’t even think about it—I just wanted you to think about it.

Stefan sighs.

STEFAN: You have every right to want me dead, Vicki. So why didn’t you?

She sits down next to him.

VICKI: You tried to help me—I see that now. At the time, it was like you this—I don’t know, authority figure who was trying to hold me back from having any fun. You had this perfect control, and you never gave in. I screwed up, and you punished me for it.

She sighs, looking down.

VICKI: Then—I saw you in the woods, and it was like looking in the mirror. I finally understand why you tried to help. Because, underneath it all, you’re just like me, aren’t you?

STEFAN: It’s not something I’m proud of.

VICKI: I know, it’s just—kind of sobering, you know? For the first time, it really feels like I’m not alone.

Stefan manages a small smile.

STEFAN: When I first became a vampire, I was a monster. Worse than Damon—what you saw tonight barely scratched the surface. Even when I learned to control it, I wasn’t always in control. For years, I kept slipping back—letting my dark side take control. It isn’t just a one-time thing—it’s something I struggle with every day.

VICKI: Does it ever get any easier?

Stefan shakes his head. Her face falls.

STEFAN: But eventually, you find a reason to keep fighting. There are things in this world that make the struggle worthwhile.

VICKI: Like what?

Stefan pauses.

STEFAN: Vicki, I—when I staked you, it wasn’t a punishment. I didn’t plan on that happening. You were new—there were a dozen ways I could have disabled you without killing you. But when I saw you go after Elena—I panicked. In that moment, nothing else mattered except protecting her.

VICKI: You really love her, don’t you?

Stefan nods.

STEFAN: A long time ago, a friend told me something very important. She’s gone now, but—I’ll never forget her words, as long as I live. She told me that love was the point—it’s the reason I fight what I am.

Vicki sighs.

VICKI: I’m not even supposed to be here, though. I was only brought back by accident.

STEFAN: I don’t believe in accidents.

She looks at him, surprised.

STEFAN: Maybe Bonnie didn’t mean to resurrect you, but I believe something out there wanted you back. You’re here for a reason, Vicki—and it’s up to you to find out what that reason is.

Vicki manages to smile.

VICKI: Do you think you’re going to be ok?

Stefan shakes his head.

STEFAN: I don’t know. I thought I could do this myself—that, because I’ve walked this road before, I could just skip it altogether. It won’t be easy.

VICKI: Well, you won’t be alone.

Stefan looks at her.

VICKI: I know we’re not exactly friends, but if you ever need someone to talk to—someone who understands what it’s like—I’ll be here.

Stefan raises an eyebrow.

STEFAN: What happened to Greece?

She scoffs.

VICKI: I’ve got eternal youth, don’t I? Greece can wait.

Stefan laughs.


Sometime later, Damon enters the library. He finds Stefan sitting on the couch.

DAMON: So much for hoping you’d stay downstairs like a good little boy. If you want to go another round, let’s at least take it outside?

STEFAN: Damon, I’m sorry.

Damon looks down at Stefan, who’s the picture of remourse.

DAMON: Welcome back. Here’s hoping we’ve seen the last of your ‘evil twin’. One of them hanging around’s bad enough.

Damon pours himself a drink.

STEFAN: I mean it, Damon—I can’t even begin to apologize for the way I’ve been acting. The things I said to you…

Damon shrugs.

DAMON: They were all things you’ve been thinking all along. You just never said them out loud.

STEFAN: That doesn’t make it right.

Damon sits down across from him.

DAMON: It’s not like I don’t deserve it.

STEFAN: There’s one thing I don’t understand, though. All this time you’ve been encouraging me to embrace that part of me—to accept it. You were the last person I ever expected to try and stop me.

DAMON: I knew you’d never forgive yourself if you hurt someone.

STEFAN: Weren’t you the person who told me I wasn’t doing enough, Damon? That I couldn’t protect Elena when I spent all my time worrying about everyone else?

DAMON: I was wrong!

Stefan stares at him in surprise.

DAMON: Is that what you want to hear, Stefan? I was wrong, you were right—about everything. That deep down, there was a part of me that still cared. I’m ready to accept that.

Stefan looks down.

STEFAN: Because of Elena?

He sighs.

STEFAN: You protected her, Damon. I was the threat, and you kept her safe from me.

Damon nods.

DAMON: I did.

STEFAN: You love her.

He nods again.

DAMON: Yeah, I do. I would do anything for her, be anything for her—you’re right about that, Stefan.

Stefan closes his eyes.

DAMON: But that doesn’t matter anymore. You’re the one she loves.

Stefan opens his eyes, staring at Damon in confusion.

DAMON: Elena loves you, and only you Stefan. And even if I saved the lives of everyone on the planet and spent the rest of forever eating nothing but bunnies, it still wouldn’t change that! At the end of the day, she’s still going to love you.

STEFAN: Then why are you doing this?

DAMON: Being the ‘good guy’, you mean? Why do I want redemption if it’s not going to get me anywhere?

Stefan waits there, as Damon considers his answer.

DAMON: I want it for me! I want to be able to someday look at myself in the mirror and be proud of what I see there.

Stefan chuckles.

STEFAN: In other words: you want to be a real non-living, living person?

Damon rolls his eyes.

DAMON: I’m trying to be sincere here.

STEFAN: I know, I know—it just feels too good to be true.

Something flashes in Stefan’s eyes then. Relief, hope—something akin to vindication.

DAMON: I don’t think I can do it alone, though. I need your help, Stefan. Which means you need to get past this.

Stefan shakes his head.

STEFAN: I know, but Elena—she’s never going to forgive me for this.

Damon smirks.

DAMON: I’m not so sure about that. Take it from someone’s had to ask for it, many times—you may have to start grovelling.

Damon ‘toasts’ him.


The Forbes house…

Caroline lies in her bed, when suddenly she hears the window slide open. She jumps out of bed vampire-speed, leaning against the wall.

TYLER: Hey, easy—easy…

Caroline sighs in relief.

CAROLINE: You could come through the door, you know?

He raises an eyebrow.

TYLER: At one in the morning? I don’t think your mom trusts me nearly that much!

Caroline smiles.

CAROLINE: Sorry about tonight. I guess we kind of ruined your date with Vicki, huh?

TYLER: Don’t worry about it.

There’s an awkward silence.

CAROLINE: So—are you two getting back together?

Tyler shakes his head.

TYLER: Nah—it’s nothing like that. It’s just…


TYLER: I wasn’t exactly the ideal boyfriend we her and I were together. I did some things I’m not proud of. Tonight wasn’t really about reigniting any sparks. I guess I just wanted to clear my conscience.

CAROLINE: A lot of that going around.

Tyler looks at her, waiting for her to elaborate.

CAROLINE: Damon kind of apologized for using me as his personal meal plan when we were together.

TYLER: You never told me about that.

She shrugs.

CAROLINE: I’m tell you now, aren’t I?

Tyler nods, a dark look on his face.

CAROLINE: Are you ok? You kind of had me worried tonight.

Tyler shakes his head.

TYLER: No…not really.

Caroline takes his hand.

CAROLINE: Do you want to talk about it?

He takes a deep breath.

TYLER: Caroline, I—I had it all wrong. I thought that, since the full moon wasn’t an issues anymore, that meant I was cured. That I had control now, because I could change whenever I wanted. But I didn’t want to change back in the woods—I just got angry, and it happened! I could have killed those guys—I could have killed you!

He starts to tremble.

TYLER: It was better when I only had to worry about one night a month. I’m not in control—I’m more dangerous than ever!

Caroline hugs him.


Sometime later, Stefan stands outside the Gilbert house, looking up at the light in the window.

I never meant to be the one to let you down
If anything, I thought I saw myself going first

He hesitates, not knowing how to precede.


Stefan stands in the hospital hallway, looking through the glass at the girl lying in the recovery room.

I didn't know how to stick around
How to see anybody but me be getting hurt

ZACK: Uncle Stefan?

Stefan turns to see Zack Salvatore rush over to him.

ZACK: I got your message. What happened?

Stefan doesn’t say anything. He turns towards the window, and Zack recognizes the person in the hospital bed.

STEFAN: Her car went in the river.

I keep remembering the summer night
And the conversation breaking up the mood

Stefan glares at Zack angrily.

STEFAN: Did you know about her? How could you hide this from me?

ZACK: Calm down—we’re in a hospital.

I didn't want to tell you you were right
Like the season changing,
Oh, I felt it too

STEFAN: Answer me! You knew there was someone who looked exactly like Katherine living in Mystic Falls, and you didn’t even tell me?

ZACK: I know how you would react, Uncle Stefan! I know her parents, the Gilberts—we’re on the town council together. I’m not sure why she looks like that, but she’s human—I’ve seen her grow up.

Stefan shakes his head in disbelief.

STEFAN: When I first saw her, I thought it was Katherine—that she managed to fool everyone somehow.

ZACK: Maybe Elena’s a descendant? Couldn’t Katherine have had a child before she became a vampire?

Stefan shakes his head.

STEFAN: It’s not just a resemblance, Zack—they’re identical, right down to the eyes. It doesn’t make sense, though—she’s a Gilbert, Katherine was a pierce. I need to talk to her parents—her father recognized my name, Zack. He knows what I am.

A doctor exits the room. Stefan and Zack walk over to him.

STEFAN: How is she?

The doctor looks at him.

DOCTOR: You’re the boy who brought her in, right? What’s your relationship?

STEFAN: I’ve—never met her before today.

ZACK: This is my—nephew, Stefan. He came by for a visit, and saw the accident.

The doctor nods.

DOCTOR: Your nephew’s a very brave young man. She’s stable. A few broken bones, but will most likely recover.

ZACK: And her parents? I’d like to speak with them.

His face falls.

DOCTOR: I’m sorry—they didn’t make it.

Stefan’s face falls.

STEFAN: I’m sorry.

DOCTOR: Mrs. Gilbert has a younger sister—we’re trying to contact her right now. Would you like to see her?

Stefan shakes his head.

STEFAN: No. Actually, I’d rather you didn’t tell her about my involvement. I don’t want to sensationalize this tragedy.

The doctor nods.

DOCTOR: Very well.

He walks off, and Stefan looks through the glass again.

STEFAN: (whispering) Who are you?

Does anybody know
How to hold my heart

Stefan touches the side of the glass. Inside, he sees Jeremy and Elena hug, tears in both their eyes.

Stefan’s heart breaks for them.

How to hold my heart?
'Cause I don't want to let go,
Let go,
Let go too soon

STEFAN: Zack, I need you to do something for me.

ZACK: What?

STEFAN: Sign me up for high school in the fall. I’m staying.

Zack stares at him in disbelief.

ZACK: You can’t be serious? You know what happens if you stay in one place too long? He’ll find you!

STEFAN: He’ll never come back here. There are too many bad memories.

ZACK: And what about you? What if the thirst takes over?

STEFAN: I have it under control!

I want to tell you so
Before the sun goes dark

Zack sighs in frustration.

ZACK: I don’t think this is a good idea.

STEFAN: I know, Zack—I know. More than anyone! I know I shouldn’t have come back.

He gazes through the glass one more time.

How to hold my heart
'Cause I don't want to let go,
Let go,
Let go of you

STEFAN: I know the risk, but…I have to know her!

End Flashback


Elena sits in her living room, writing in her diary.

I'm not the kind to try to tell you lies
But the truth is you've been hiding from it too

V.O.(Elena): How well do you really know someone? You go through life, convinced the people in it will always have the roles you set for them. Your friends and your enemies, the people you love and the people you hate—but what if that’s not always true? What if the lines aren’t always as clear as you imagine them to be? Today, I saw a part of Stefan I never believed existed—not because of what he is, but because of who he is. He was cruel, jealous, angry, cold—everything I couldn’t never imagine Stefan being. And Damon, someone I was once convinced cared for no one but himself, actually risked his life for people he didn’t even know. When did this happen? When did everything get turned so backwards?

There’s a knock on the door. Elena gets up and opens it, revealing Stefan standing on the front porch, holding a rose.

I see the end sneaking in behind your eyes
Saying things no words could ever do

He doesn’t say anything. He just looks up at her like a puppy who had been caught misbehaving.

ELENA: Which Stefan am I talking to right now? Because if it’s the one from a few hours ago…

STEFAN: It’s—it’s me, Elena. I can’t even begin to apologize for my actions today. I…

ELENA: You weren’t yourself. I get that.

Despite her words, Elena still seems angry.

STEFAN: Can I come in?

Elena sighs.

ELENA: You know I don’t have to invite you in, Stefan. You’ve been here so many times…

STEFAN: I know—you don’t have to invite me in. But I want you to.

Elena looks at him, surprised. Stefan almost seems scared.

STEFAN: I need to know that you still trust me.

Elena nods.

ELENA: Come inside, Stefan.

Stefan follows her inside, placing the rose on the coffee table. Stefan then sits down on the couch, with Elena standing over him.

STEFAN: I thought I was ready. That just because I hadn’t tried to feed on human blood meant that whatever Klaus awoke inside me was out of my system. I thought I could simply step back into my life and everything would be fine…

ELENA: Stefan…

STEFAN: I wanted to kill those boys tonight, Elena. I wanted to kill Damon! I didn’t care what happened to them, as long as I kept them away from you. What kind of person does that?

ELENA: That wasn’t you, Stefan.

Stefan looks up at her.

STEFAN: You don’t believe that, do you? Not after tonight. You saw exactly what I’m capable of. How—how can you even stand to look at me right now?

Elena glares at him, angrily.

ELENA: I’ve seen Caroline kill someone!

Stefan shakes his head, standing up to face her.

STEFAN: That’s not the—

ELENA: Shut up and listen, ok? I’ve seen Caroline, of all people, kill a person. I’ve seen Bonnie try to set someone on fire. And Damon—god, he’s murdered innocent people for the fun of it! Every single person I know who has some kind of supernatural trait has, at one point or another, lost control of themselves. What, did you think I never considered it? That you have this—this dark side to you? Did you honestly think it would scare me away? That I would stop loving you?

STEFAN: Just because you know doesn’t mean you have to be forced to see that part of me. I didn’t want to burden you with it.

Elena stares at him in disbelief.

ELENA: Didn’t want to—? Why is it that, whenever I’m in trouble, you can risk your life to keep me safe--but when you’re the one who needs help, it’s a burden on me? You tried to hide how hard this is for you, and people almost got hurt because of it.

STEFAN: I had to!

ELENA: Why? So I can pretend everything’s normal? That’s just—


Does anybody know
How to hold my heart

Elena gasps at his outburst. Her anger quickly leaves her as she sees Stefan’s face twist in agony.

STEFAN: Every time I close my eyes, I can see it. You, staring at me, while the life drained from your eyes…

ELENA: (whispering) Stefan…

How to hold my heart?
'Cause I don't want to let go,
Let go,
Let go too soon

STEFAN: (voice breaking) I was right there, and I couldn’t do anything! I was helpless—I was useless. Damon was right all along—I was so worried about not crossing some line that I couldn’t even protect the one thing that really mattered.

He sits back down, defeated.

STEFAN: (quietly) I couldn’t save you.

Elena stands there, still in shock. Slowly, she makes her way over to Stefan and sits by him, taking his hand.

I want to tell you so
Before the sun goes dark
How to hold my heart

ELENA: I wouldn’t have stayed dead. You know that, right? Even if John hadn’t of found that spell, I would have still come back.

Stefan nods.

STEFAN: As a vampire.

ELENA: And if I had, would you let me deal with that on my own? Of course not! You would have stayed by my side, and helped me through it—so why won’t you let me do that for you now?

Stefan looks at her.

'Cause I don't want to let go,
Let go,
Let go of you

STEFAN: I…I’m afraid. I’m afraid that the worst is yet to come, and unless I do something different next time, it’ll happen all over again. That I won’t be able to save you.

ELENA: Everyone was trying to save me, Stefan. John, and Damon, and Bonnie, and Elijah—it felt like everyone was ready to give up their lives to save mine. But do you know how many people tried to save Jenna?

As Elena speaks, tears start to form in her eyes.

ELENA: Just one—you! And that’s the part that matters to me, Stefan—because I would have traded places with her if I could. I would have come back, and she never will. If given a choice between staying human and losing Jenna, I would have given it up in a second.

Stefan wipes the tear from her eye.

ELENA: If the only way I can have the life I want is by giving up the people that matter to me, then I don’t think I want to live it. And guess what—you’re one of those people, Stefan. I can’t lose you, either.

Stefan nods, understanding.

STEFAN: It won’t be easy.

ELENA: When is it ever easy?

Is anybody listening?

She reaches over, touching the side of his face. As she does, Stefan’s face begins to change.

STEFAN: Elena…

Elena shushes him, ignoring the warning.

ELENA: I won’t stay away. We’re partners, Stefan. Just this once, let me save you.

'Cause I'm crying

She leans over and kisses him. Stefan growls, cupping the sides of her face and returning the kiss with unprecedented passion.

Is anybody listening?


Meredith’s house…

In her room, Meredith has her broken video camera hooked up to her computer. On the screen, she sees her ‘interviews’ with Caroline, Matt, and some of the other students are intact.

She sighs in relief.

MEREDITH: Ok, then—time to get to work!

However, the picture suddenly changes. She sees Stefan standing in the woods, facing the two boys.


She watches as Stefan grabs the both of them and tosses them a yard back. Then he moves faster than the eye can see.

Meredith’s mouth hangs open.

It then shows Damon push him away, and Stefan lunge himself at him. The picture then flickers into static.

Meredith sits there in shock. She rewinds the clip and watches it again.

MEREDITH: Oh…my…god…


Stefan and Elena enter her bedroom, still kissing. They fall back onto the bed.

Does anybody know
How to hold my heart
How to hold my heart?
'Cause I don't want to let go,
Let go,
Let go too soon

After a moment, they break off the kiss. Elena looks up at Stefan—at his transformed face—breathing heavily.

I want to tell you so
Before the sun goes dark

STEFAN: (out of breath) You’re—not scared?

How to hold my heart
'Cause I don't want to let go,
Let go,
Let go of you

Elena shakes her head.

ELENA: I love you.

They kiss again.

Does anybody know
How to hold my heart
How to hold my heart?

Elena pulls her shirt up over her head, and Stefan does the same. They continue to kiss, hands roaming over each other’s bodies.

'Cause I don't want to let go,
Let go,
Let go too soon

I want to tell you so
Before the sun goes dark
How to hold my heart
'Cause I don't want to let go,
Let go,
Let go

Things become more heated, and Elena holds Stefan close to her. Stefan buries his face in the nape of her neck.

ELENA: (whispering) Stefan…

I don't want to let go,
Let go,
Let go of you

His fangs extend.

Elena’s eyes go wide and she gasps, as Stefan sinks his teeth into her neck. Despite this, however, she still holds him in place.

I don't want to let go of you

DEALING WITH THE CONSEQUENCES - Stefan's attempts to apologize to Matt are met with hatred and spite. Bonnie turns to Anna in an attempt to learn more about her increased powers. Meredith's investigation of the Salvatores results in a battle of wits with Damon. Katherine makes her public debut.

See a preview for # 303 - A Matter of Trust